Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

On COLOSS. I. 26 27. I will end all with one place, Ifai,H. 8. In the former Verfes he evidently fpeaksof the Kingd,om of Chrijl coming to preach the Gofpel, by which he fbews there fbould be a Way revealed, an High·way, which is the Common road to Heaven, there being but one way which'Chrlft and all his go in, which fhall be called, TbeWay of Hotinefs. Take heed you mif-call it not, and call it aWay of Scbi{m,Ftleiion, ~c. as the jews did call itHerefie. But yet this Way the Unclean fball not pafs over; but Wayfaring men, who delire to know the Way to Heaven ( though Fools) !Jlall not erre therein; but the Unclean (as the oppoli•_ tion lhews) lhall erre therem, though never fo Learned. L n ..