Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

76 The Glory of the Gojpel, ~--------~~~~ But you will fay, Wherei1l co11(if/s the[e Rzchrs of the GofPd? Anfwer, Wh1ch Riches is Chnf/ i11you. And can you make an Inventory and ever value and prize his goods? Surely, No. ' Firfi, Chrifi is worth all God is worth, as he is the So11 of God; for he is the only Son, the wet6etoved Son,"! whom God is fo we/J ptetljed, that he will not give a peny away from htm; he IS the Hetr, and !hall have oil. And the Gofpel makes him yours with all his Riches, which R .ches is Chr~ff i11 JDtt. Thus the Apoale argues and pleads the evidence of the right a Chrifiian bath to all things, 1 Cor. l· utt. .AIJ thiltgs are yours, for yott are Chrif/'s, and Chrijl is ~h . God himfelf can be worth but All things, Chrifi is worth what God is, for all 'things that are God's are Cllrifl's. And you have as much as Chrif\ bath. What Riches are here.? All things are given to be inherited, R rv .'2.1.7. by the fame; And as fure a Tttle as Chnft, Rom. 8, 7• we are put into God's Will, .! oyllt heirs with Chrij/, though not Joynt purchafers, for he purchafed all, and all thefe gives freely; no Debts arc to be paid, nor Legacies or Portions out of them. If be hath g1vm us Chnjl, jhalhwt he w ith him givt uf a!J things fret fy. Chrifi is not only worth All things, as the Heir, and We are worth (o much becaufe Chrifl is given to us; but He paid for all things dearly. And look what the revenues of Chrifi's Blood come to, that and fo much is a Chriflian worth. • For Chrifi paid ready down, at his death, an invaluable fum of Merit into his Father's hands, (as Feoffee in trufi,) as a common Stock or Bank, to be em– ployed for the good and ufe of all his Saints, who are to have the full worth of them out to eternity. Tau know (fays the Apofile '2. Cor. 8, 9.) thegrace of Chrifl; how whm ht wM rich, he became poor (mark it) foryot~r.{akes, to en– rich you. Now what mull thefe Riches come to think you, which are laid up for you, whenas Chrifi was as rich as God himfelf; Thought it no robbery to be equal with God, P bit. '2.. 8. as good in el.late every whit. Now of all thefe Richts he emptied himfelf, vtrjt 8. left himfelf not worth one Farthing, and btcai'!Jt poor, had not a hole left to hide himfelf in, made /Jimfeif of 110 reputa• tio11, of no account Gr reckoning, making over all for you; And what muff this come to? TheR1chts of Godputouttoufe, to be received with advantage a– gain, if poflible, and put into fure hands, even God the Father's, who bath bid us owe 110ma11 any thmg, 6111tovt : And furely he loves his own too well to owe tN.em any thing. If they !hould doubt.he bath entred into Bond, and the Gofpet is that Bond, which is therefore called a Rich Go{ptt, becaufe it is the Promife of all thefe Riches; Eph.l• 6. Partakers of ihe Promife of the Gofpet. It is the Gofpel that makes us partakers of the Promife, that is, the things promifed; and they are,verfe 8. The tm(earch,,!Jte Riches of Chrifi. So as if you defire particularly to have the value of them, or in grofs, the total fum, they are unftarchable Riches, which cannot be told over to Eternity, much lefs be fpent. Riches in Juflifi– cation, to have all dc·bts paid the firfi day, and that would enhance Unfearchable Riches : Set a pr ice on all Angels, all Creatures; it would not pay one Note, the leafi Bill. All other things are not worth fo much; it cofr more to redeem Souls than fo. And beftdes, To have fiillleft fo rich Righteoufnefs as purchafed Riches of Gract; to have the Spirit poured out richly, as T1t. 3· 6. The word in the Original is Richts of Glory, Eph. I. In refped of which all Riches in the World are but as Crumbs of the Rich man's Table, or Relicks given to the Poor. The Kingdom of Turry(as one called it,) but a Crufl thrown to a 'JJog. And is it not a Rich Knowledge then, that enriches the Knowers of it, which fhould invite men to learn it. For if men think other Knowledge in it felf forich, as to be content to fpend their Efiates, to attain but Notions to fill their Brains, not Purfcs; then how much morefor this, which as it is precious, foit brmgs in all thefe Rich~s as the gain of it ?