The Glory of the Gojpel; But Seconc!ly, This Gofpel is by the power of this Spirit, the minillration of Righreoufnefs to the Man God meaqs to call, and therefore alfo gloriotu, as the Apo!lle.the~e argues; that 1s, T~IS Gofpel, by the help of the Spirit working Faith in his hearr, reveals the R•ghteoufnefs of Chrill to be malie his and that exceeds in glory; for it is this Righteoujntj's which in the lall Ve;fe of that third Chapter is called The gloYy if tht Lord, viz. Chrifl; who being the Lord of Glory, the Kmg of Glory,_ 1 Cor. 2. 8, what a gloYious Righteoufiufs mufr this be which the Gofpel thus d1fcovers ?. And it difcovers it ndt by engraving orilead Colours, as the Law d1d; but as ma Glafs: And as that Glafs is glorious wherein the Sun !hines, the very Image there puts down all the Stars · fo mufr this Glafs, the Gofpel mull needs be glorious, wherein the Smt of Righteou{ntj's jhints, as .he is cal!ed Ma!ach, ~- ~· Neitherdoth it_ reveal it only but d•fpen. {eth lt, 1t IS the Mm1llrauon of R•ghteoufnefs. Chrijl's Righteouji~tj!, which isthe glory of the Son, the Ki~g ofglory made ours to Jullify us : And therefore Rw. 12. 1. the Church appea~s cfotlud with the Son, even with Chrill himfelf and his glory, who is therefoFe faid to be our Righteoufntfs, J eY, 2 t . 6. Here– by as Chrill faid of!i~s, Matt. 6. 29. that Solom01z in all hi< glory wau 10 t c!othtd ltke one of thffe._;· So may I fay of all the .A11ge!s who yot are the bright morning Stars, that fmzgwhen the Worldwmmadt, Jo6, ~8. 7· That they are not clothed with {u'ch aglory as the Gofpel difpenfeth to us, {uch a Robe never caq1e on their backs nor never !hall, And is not this aglorious Gofpe1t hen? 'Thlrdiy, in the fight and difpenfation of the glorious Righteoufnefs ofChrill, we come yet to fee a further glory !hining on us,and !lill in the Gofpel,fo in the 4• and 6.verfesofthe next Chapter,z Cor. 4· For the Gofpel gives the light ofthe knowledge ofthe glory ofGod in the face ofJefus Chrifr that isthrough the righ– teoufnefs of Chrift we come io fee the glorious Sun!hine of the favour of God,the Light ofhis Countenance lilt up upon us.For when Mofts would fee his glory,the Lordproclaimed only this, Exod. 34.6.TheLoYdMeYcifuJ andgratious. And as he is the Father of glory, Ephej. '• 7• So his mercy is the riches of his g]~y, R01n. 9· 2~. and Pfa!. 90, 14, 1 ;, t6.· The Church praying for mercy ana fa– vour fays, Let thyGlory 6t on thy Servants; and therefore is not this a glori– ous Gofpel that reveales this to a man alfo, that God gracioully accepting us in the beloved. t:"ourthly, The beholding thus the glory of Chrifr, viz: his Righteoufn.efs in the Gofpel, it changeth us into the fame Image, from Glory to Glory, verfe the !all of the Third Chapter ; That is, makes Grace in us which is truly Glorious, and therefore Pfal. 4S'· the Church is {aid to be all Glorious within, Ephef. ;. 26, 27. H<SanmfiuhuChurch, that he might prt{tnt it a gloriotu Church. Juiilfication not only makes us Glorious, but SanCl:ification alfo, and this is dif· penfed by the Gofpel, for that Sanctifies us to the end of the World, JohH '7· and is the Glafs we are changed by. · Nay, Fifth!y, ihe very light it felf whereby we do behold thefe things in the Gofpel, and are thus changed, is glorious, 1 Pet. •+ Wt aYt calledof darkntfs to a marvelous tight 1 And the joy that arifeth out of beholding Chrill's Righteoufnefs as ours , and God's favour it is joy unfpeakable and glonous, l Ptt. I, 8. And Lafi of all, It gives in certain hope of a further Glory yet to be revealed, as the Text hath it, and verfe •7· of the 4th. Chapter, A11 Eternal wnght of Glory. All the glory of this World it bears no weight, ,J,../1'~~. Empty,Frothy, Glory, as the Apo!lle calls it, but this is an exceeding weight of Glory , which if all that glorious luller men doat on fo, were weighed, it would be but as a dull ballonced againfr it' fo weighty as fle!h and blood, that is, the Infirmity of man's Nature, if not changed and made: capable could not fublill under it, 1 Cor. •5· ;o; And