On COLOSS. 125,26. And all the Glory here is a fading Glory, but that is Eternal ; 1 Pet, I. 24 .All Flejhis Grafs, m1d all the Glory of Ma11 M the Flowrr of" Grafs, the Gra{s wtth<rs, mJdthe FlowerfaUeth away, but the Glory of thu Eflme fades 1101. ver. 4· but is a Flower always green, and the reafon is becaufe the glory of things is one thing, and the things another, the Grafs one thir\g, and the Flow– er another, and therefore the Glory fades and is clean gon, when yet the things remain. But Glory is de eflelltJa, to the things above, the very effence of them is Glory it fdf and fa called, and therefore, whilO: the thing< remain, (as they do for ever,) their Glory doth. And is not this a glorious Gofpel ? VS E S; Ufe Fir!l, If the Gofpel and the riches of it be thus great, then buy it, Prov:· 2-3- 2J, !fuy the Truth_, a?dfetltt.'Jot; he names no price, for you are not like td loofe by 1t, coil what 1t wdl. Thts place bath been the greatefi Mart of Truth and of the Myfiery of the Gofpel, that I know under Heaven, Wifddm hath as it were cried all her Wares at this great Crofs. This Truth bath been purchafed for you, and that dearly, it cofi the Blood of many Martyrs to derive it to you, the fweat of many Preachers, the Prayers d many Saints, 2nd cofi God the Riches of his Patience to fee it contemned. Buy it therefore at anr rate. . Efpecially you who are Scholars; you come hitherlmd live underthofe, read thofe who are wholtfale men, and you fhould whilfi you are here, treafure up as much,and as many precious truths as you can,and grace withal tb vent by retail in the Country, when you are fcnt abroad. Fir!l, Enquire and Learn where thefe Treafures are to be had; even, in the Scriptures. The Merchant who knew the Pearl was fain to buy the Field ; Ti– mothy from aChild had known the Scriptures,and fo fhould yo4 do, thry are able to make a mm1 wife unto Salvatio,, a11d makt the man of God perfell. As the Books of Nature, when throughly known, make a perfect Phyfitian for the Body, fo doth this a perfect Divine, Search the Scriptures, fays Chrifi, forthey fpeak of me, As Chrifi is the Treafury of all knowledge; fo the Scriptures arc of Chri!t. ThefeTreafures ly fcatrered in all the Veins of the Prophets and A– po!lles ; Dig forthem as for Silver, take pains and travel to underfiand them, as 'Dan. 12. 4· when he was bidden to feal up his Prophecy in the Letter, l.fm!J jhall run to andfro, mtd lwowledge{hatt 6e i11crta[ul. That is by doing as Mer– chants do, travelling from place to place; comparingone with artothet, know" · ledge will be encreafed. Secondly, GototheMarketsand Warehoufes of thofe who hal'e laid in or i:lifcovered much of this Treafure. That is, ufe the help of Godly mens writ– ings and conferences, the Angels do learn of the Church, and why ridt we : Even Pauldefires to fee them at Romr, that he might be comforted by their mutual Faith. Therefore exchange, and truck one with another to that end, Chri!l hatli given feveral gifts to perfect his Body in knowledge. Ephef. 4· I z. The knowledge of ariy one man is imperfect , fome have more skit in one point, and fome in anothe.r, and fo in feveral Ages feveral truths havebeen deli– vered and revealed, 1 He6. I. """~'''"'' by fragments and by pteccs, and there• fore ufe the help of all: None of us are as Paul , to whom noihing can be added, , Thirdly, Go to him above all whohath,the Key of knowledge, Jefus Chri!t, Rev. ~· ] ..praytohim, in 1 Pet. I. to. theyfea~chedandmquired;d!at is;they . fiudied and prayed, ufe both: And fo the Apo(\Jes did fpend the t1me 111 both; AClst. . Fourthly Highly prize and efieem evety truth, if aFoot bath a price in his hand he h~th no heart to ufe it, Prov. 3· becaule he efieems it not, count all drofs'and dung for the excellent knowledge of Chrifi, doat not on ht1man learn• ing too much, leall it fpoile arid rob you of this• 79