So The Glory of the Gofi>el, Filthly, Exchange all for it, fell all for it, fell all that you have for it your fins; no favwg rrurl!S can be yours whilfi ftn is yours! Job. 17. 1 7. 1 Ptt: I. 22 • they punned t!JetrSouls by obeywg the Truth; for tf you receive the truth a~; ) ou ought it wtll call our all. Efpectally lay down pride of Parrs, Pfal. 1 1' 'l· he will teacl! the humble. hts fecrers, he Wtll not teach proud Schollars. God will not deal nor trade w11h a wtckcd man, t Tnn. 6. 4• men being corrupt dif· politicos are de!lautc therefore of the truth. . Sixthly, Ca~ry all home, and make them your own, it is not your own whilfi Itts w your braws, as no more meat ts your own but what you eat; La 1 t '6e the 111grtljtedword, James t. 2I. Beyo11 Evtlllgeliz'd, Matt. 11. 4· Ufe Second, If the Gofpel be fo precious, fell it nor, for you can never get the fullworrhofit;' BuytheTruth, faahSolomon, 'Prov.2j.2j. Alldfrlltt 110 t that is, part 1101 w1th 1t at aJ')' ha11d. And this know tor your encouragement' t!Jat God rakes it not away from any Man or Nation , until! they willingly par~ wah tt or pur It away; for why elfe cloth he btd them not felltt, his meaning is if you do not, I will never deprive you of it. ' To thispurpolo is the example of Ejtw brought, He6. I2. I6. For fpeakino– of this rich grace offered in the Gofpel, he bids them take heed that there be n~ profane per!on as Ej(mwas, that fold his birthright. That look as God would not have deprived Efu• of the blelling unlefs he had treely fold it. Jo11ah 28. Jo6. 23 . 26. .So nor them of the prec;ous Gofpel. And he adds this to enforce this Exhortation the more, That a man mufi not think to receive it when he will; afterwards he would have inherited the bleiling, Jougbt 11 wtth tears,6utcould11ot, ver.17. And as he takes it not from a particu– lar man, fo neither from a Nation. In A[Js I 5· 46, the Church of the Jews had been the Antient Pillar of truth, and Market tor the Gofpel, God had new precious Wares to be vented,which had lain hid from all Eterniryas this.Text fhews; See what 'Paul and Bar11a6a< fay who were his FaCl:ors to trade for him, it is neceffary they fhould firfi be fpoke~ to you. 'Tis firange, it was neceffary, for God's cufiom is not to offer his pre– cious Wares to new Cufiomers till the old had refufed them. But now fays he, you fhew your felves unworthy; Lo, now we turn to theGentiles,we will gofeek chapmen all the World over rather than you fhall have the offer of them any more; And as in an Eflate ofLand wherein three have a right,until all give over, it is not fold. So in this Kingdom there are three, There are Magifirates, Mini– fiers, People; If eitherof thefedo what they can to keep it, it is nor fold. Therefore to tliefe three doth God look Jer. 5· 1. To the Mngiflrates, to fee if that there were a man thot fought truth. Secondly, To the Common People who know not the Law. And Lafi of all to the Prophets and Priefls, and when allconfpired; Then Whatjballyou do i11 the md thereof? And if the Truth be rhus rich and precious, let me fpeak freely to you, Let the Market f\aod open, rake heed how you prohibit any truth to be fold in your Markets; but let the word run and be glorified ,and let Wifdom cry all)1er Wares: If every Truth be thus precious is it not an impoverifhing of the Kingdom to hin– der the Trafick of any? Nay, is it not a hindering the King's Cufiom ? Reve– nues of God's glory arifeth out of the Cufiom of tllefe Wares. Thofe times are . in a great degree offelling away thefe J ruths,rhat cannot endure (as Paul fpeaks 2 Tzm.4. 5· 4.) wholfom DoCl:rine. Secondly, Takeheed of ft ffering Falfhood to be fold for Truth, Rev, 2. zo. one of the Churches is blamed tor luffering_7ezah/ to reach and to feduceChrill's Servants; if we dofo, we fl1all havt Popery bought for Truth, Arminianifm for Truth, and fo by degrees fell away that blefTed Inheritance which our Forefathers left us; as Heirs do fell away their Lands, firfi one Lordiliip, and then another, piece by piece, rill all be gon; and fo our Silver by little anJ little become Drofs os IJ'i"h fpeaks the I .22. This will provoke God, (if any thing,) to fell ) ou into your Enemies hands for nought, Tj'al. 44.12. But