Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

On COLOSS. I.Z~5,:l6. are fpread forth, even as the Wings of the Eagle, brooding over all the Earcb, and the Things in it, and by them tlying into all the Corners of it, So clothJtjtu Chrif1 fpread forth beams of Truth into Believers hearts, and by themcom~s into their hearts; as the Smz is faid to do, when the beams of it come into a Houfe, you fay, the Sttll comes in. Now thefe Beams,if they lhould not heal and change our hearts into the fame tmage, they would dazle and con. found mens Confciences, therefore it is added, they have healing goes with them; and therefore now, like Catvrs, they can go forth, and rcjoyce and leap for joy in the light of it, Whereas fore Eyes, that are not healed, are amozeol and terrified at the fight of it; and therefore in the firfr Verfc,he fays, Thry /ball be 6ttrnt 11p, as they in Rev. I 6.8,g. that are fcorched with the heat of the Sun, and fo blafphem•d and oppofed the word. And as in hot Countries, fdme have curfed the Szmwhen it arifeth,fo they the Gofpel and the Light of it. They hate it, rejoyce when any of the W11nelfes are dead,as they Rev,t becaufe They tormenttd thfln that dwdt on the Earth. Like Swine laid on thm backs againft the Sun, they ceafe not crying till they be on their feet again; or if they cannot avoid it, yet they wink with their eyes, •as they Matt.t 3- 15. For if men be un• holy and profane, Whoremongers,Liars, &c. then the glorious Gofpel is contrary unto them, as 1 Tzm. 1.1 o, 1 1.compared. But if thou been not able to behold the Glory of the Gofpel, how wilt thou behold Chrifr coming in his glory, to render Vengeance with jlumingfirr to them that obey not this Gojpd? Thirdly, If it be thus Glorious, then fee if thou endeavourefi to glorifie anci admire this Go(pel, and bring honour to it; which is a third Confea:ary, where-. by you may know l'hethcr yow receive it in the glory of it, or no; For at/ thi11gs wt apprebendgtorious, we labour togtorifit aud jet fo•·th M mucb M wt may; And this I ground on 2 Theff.;.t. Pray (fays the Apof\Je) that the Word may nm andh gtorifitd.fSic.that is,that it may have not only free progrefs in the World, run upon Wheels, as the word lignifies ; but when it is entertained ae• cording to the glory and worth of it, as it was amongfr thefe ThejJiJtonimzs, who received it as the Word of God, andnot of Ma11, I Thej[.2.q. 11irflingfrom Idols, to ferve the livi11g God, Chap.t.g. parting with all their fins, and fetting up God in their hearts; receiving it inmuch a!Jiiefioll, verfe 6. yet rejoycing in it with Joy unjpMkable mzdglorro.u, being content to part with Lands, and all, for the Gofpel's fake, as Mark 8.;5. Having a care of their Converfation in all things, that it may be as 6ecomu tht Go(pel, as he exhorts P.hit, I. 2 7· When men contend for every Truth of it, as Paut in the next words, vetfe :z.8. Stri– vi~rg togtther for the Faith of tht Gojpet, continuing immoveable, not re– moving from theboptof tbeGojpt!, as Cotoj[.I.z;. Leaving all for the hopes of what it reveals, accounting this the greatefr BleJiing and priviledge they can enjoy in this life, to enjoy it; rejoycing in it more than in Wifdom , Learning, Strength, Riches; glorying that a man knows God merciful a1ld gracioUJ, which is the Melfage of theGofpel, as Jer.g.t.;. As the Gatatians did, Gal. 4·I4, '5· when they firfi received Paul, they received him as an A11get: Whtre WM then the 6tejfedne[syot1 (poke of? They fo magnified this Mercy, that they counted it the greatell BleJiing of' all other; that though a People be blelfed, when their Garners are full,&c. yet, as if nothing were to be accounted of, he fays, Happy u that Peopte wbo[t God u tht Lord, l'fal. I44,utt. V(e 11, If the Gojpel be thus glorious, Then fee and acknowledge what is truly the Glory of any People; and the want whereof leaves them in the molt miferable and inglorious condition, even the Gofpel. The Law, which as this :z. Cor. Chap.;. tells us, had not any Glory in this refpea:, yet made the Peo– ple of the Jews a great Nation in the eyes of all round about them, '.Deut .. 4~ 6, 7, 8, 9· The Nation that lhould hear of all thcfe Statutes , Owuld fay, Thzs u a great Nation, that bath God fo nigh them: And whtJt Nation fo great, that bath Statutes (IIJd ]tJdgmmts fo righteous ,z.s att this Lilw? M ~ That