On COLO SS. I. 25, 26. And this Go fit! hath made this Kingdom and this Town, as a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord; and the Glory of the whole earth, as Jerufalem is called, Ij'ai.62. The glorious 'Diamond in the R;mg of the World. A.nd this is it which did raife that great Opm1on tn the hearrs of other Na– tions, That we were accounted a great People, as 'Deut+ 6, 'J. A wife and art underltanding People, and full of Humanity and amiablenefs of Carriage; whereas others are accounted Rude and Barbarous, that want it in the Power that we have it. For when the Earth, or any Land , is filled with the Know~ ledge of' (he Lord, it takes fiercenefs and wildnefs away from the Inhabitants of it. Not from thefe only whom lt converts, but whom It conYmceth, lfai. 11, from theWolves and tbe Li01u, fo as not to hurt, v . 9· EmoUit mores, necforit e.ffr f<ros. Jt makes men more noble and ingenu.ous, as thofe of Berea were, having received tJ:e Gofpel, At1s 17. 11. That IS. lt wh!ch bath firuck much terrour in former umes mto the hearts of our Enem1es, asm ']ohojaphat's daies • when he was careful to fend Levites to teach in every City, Ftar fdJ upon aY the KitJgdoms rotmd a6out,fo anhrymadenow11r, 2Chro11.17. 10. And God be– ing known for a Refuge in our Palaces, Ftar took hold of the Kings of the E11rth, P{al.48.3, and6.compared. · This is it which bath been our defence; for lfai+>· Whert the Glory of God is, there is a dejmce 11po• a!J the Glory; that when they combined together to make an attempt, as inErghty Erght, as it is in the fame Pjalm48. 4, ~. 6, 7· Kings were affembled, a great many; as appears by the7th verfe, and they paf– fed by all along our Coalts, but they were troubled and they balled away; and God broke the Ships of Tarjhijh with the Eafi·wind, God 6ei11g kltowlt for 11 Refuge, verfe l· And where the Gofpel runs without rub, and is glorified, there, when Enemies come in like a mighty flood, thinking to bear all before before them, lj11y. 9· Whtn thry fear the Name of Jehovah from the Weft (which is thought to be meant of thefe We!lern Churches, as they have been alwaies called,) a11d his Glory from the rifoJ,g of the Srm: whm the Enemy comes itJ tUaflood, tht Spirit of the Lord jha!J lift 11p a Standard agai11f1 bim, P.fal.76. r ,2,l· In Jttdah u Godk11own, and his dwe!Jtng plact is itJ Zio11:· There brake he the Arrows, and the Bow, mzd the Shield, andthe Sword, mrd the Battel. And fo on the contrary, when we goagainfi others on Ju!l quarrels, if the Gofpel be glorified among!\ us, the Promife is, Jfai.58.8. The Glory of God jha!J 6e thy rertward; lhall make an Army for us, to fight for us. This deten– ded this Town from the Plague. This is that which when fought and embraced above all things, makes other Bleflings be cafi into the bargain, as Chrifi promifeth; and to which alfo we owe all the Peace, Plenty, and Abundance of all things, which ftnce the day we had theGojpel we have enjoyed; which, if we had nor, yet it is blefling enough, Rom. 15. 29. I fbatt ·come to you in the fultufs of the Ble.Jling of the Gojpd, which whofo enjoys they want no blefling. It is full of Blefling when it comes to a place, and it carries all away when itfelf removes. Look upon a Town where once the King's Court was kept, and then it tlourilhed and abounded with Bleflings, which happily before was poor, as Nrwmarket; but when that is once removed to come no more. Look on it then again, and how poor, how defolate doth fuch a Town grow. And Chrilt, where ha comes in, enricheth the place He keeps Court in. He did good to mens Bodies and Souls alfo, when on Earth ; and fo now in Heaven, where his Tabernacle is pitched : But when he removes, Matt. 23. 38. Behold your ho11{ts arf left tmto'ou defolate; Why l For I [IIY• ye j/11111 1101 hmcefort/J fee me, tiPyefay, Blt.ffrd is he,f$c. Judt~~, that once did flow with Milkand Hotuy, is now barren; lnjula 'Dives opum Priami d11m regtta mmubmtt. Great mult the.Mife~y of .that place be, then, from which the Glory is departing, for then their delence IS gone; and they are left naked, expofed to the fury of their Enemies, as the People were in the fight of their Enemies, Exod. 32. 21'. firipd of all their Ornaments and Armour; and therefore the People motmud,CI!ap.35· and then deltruction cloth certainly and inevitably follow.