On C 0 L 0 SS. I. 25, :26. Wh<n God ceafeth to tbew himfelr terrible to the Wicked in his Holy place; Pfisl. 68. lr· But then When the fentence of Damnation IS clearly pronounced againfi men, yet they <tll hear it as the fong of one can ling ~eH ; when God creates not a Cloud and a Pillar of fire upon our Affembhes,as Ifm+>. To gt~ide enlightm and clear our htgrts in tht ways of godlinefs; when few are added to the Church, and none to God, it is align God hath his Eleel: out, and that the glory is going. · The Second Temple was more glorious than the former, Hagg. 2, g. ;•et the former wao o11twardly moregtoriom; If Chri!\ be prerenr; he makes Tht Glory withlefslearned teaching : And it is for your fakes God afills, 'Thej:1.5. What manner of mmforyottrfakes. Thirdly,Then the Spirit is withdrawing when wicked hearts grow weary ofiq (even the wicked a while rejoyced in Johns hght.)And godly men are i~ditferent. whether they enjoy it or no,this is a further fign of its departure, and an etfeel: of the former, Amos. 8. >· mencryed there, Whtn wilt the Sabbath begone, and Strmonover, that we may to our callitJg agai11 atJd not Iooft too much timt. And what follows on this l He upon this threatncth, ver. 9· that their Stt!l foouldgo doW11 at Noott; that glorious Light God had fet up amongfi them , tbould fet in the very noon,and height, when it might have run a courfe many years after; an eclipfe, a total one came on the fuddain even at noon day. And if the place tbould not be meant of the light of the word, as I think it is, yet v tr. tt . exprefiy threatneth upon this, afamine of the word, F$c, That word which before had rained down as Manna, and tl1ey were weary of it and would fcarce go out of Doors to hear it; now they tbould run from Sea to Sea and not find it. Or fuppofe they be not weary of it, as the godly are not, yet if they be not ~arnefi with God by prayers for it, and continuance of it, when they do not flrive together as Paul exhorts them, Rom. I$· ~o. but they lit fiill and let all go and firive not; and if God will provide for them, and fend forth Labourers,fo it is ; Whereas Chrifi tells them they mufi pray, Matt. 9· ~8; you are bidden pray for daily bread, and it mufi cofi you fweat belides; And do you think to enjoy bread of Heaven without praying daily for it, yea, and that, fweating in prayer alfo? Jefus Chrifi looks to be confirained to fiay with a People, as with thofe Difci_ples Lukt 24. 28, 29. Whereas otherwife he would have gone further, and certamly would. When the Keys are laid a!ide,that tbould unlock the Cupboard, whence the Children tbould have Bread, they are like to loofe their fuppers. Now thefe Keys are Prayers, if Par1t be given them it mull be by prayer.Phi/em. 21.. A Fourth lign of the departure of this Glory is when men begin to let Error and Idolatry creep in, which is an etfed: ofthe former, For 2 The f. 2. 1 o. Men having no pte,zjure in Truth but in Vnrtghteoufnejs, God g<Jvt them"P to Lus, and thrylrovoke the Lord to departure; Gal, 2, 5. In cafe of CtrcUmCijian, faysPau, Iwouldnotyietd, orgive way, not for an hour, thattheTruthof tht Go(ptlmight continue withyou. As if he had [aid. If I had g1vm wav to a fmali Error, it had endangered the continuance of tht Go!pet Wtthyott; how much more, whtntroft Errors, contrary lo ourpohtts of Caitchz.frn, and prm– ctplt! of Religiotz, art admittedin a Chu,.ch and(ujferedto 6e umght, a11dgrow upon m; !Jut much mort mujl this glory departt wbm ldol,lfry gttsfootmg, tbm God'sglorydt,ar/s amain; Ezek. 9· When did the glorygofrom the Cherub to tht Thrtjhold of the Voor? Whtn Chap. 8. Idolatr) WM committttl in the {e– crtl Gham6trs, ) 'taand in the Ttmple, in worjbipi11g towards the Ear!; 1hen lhtrt wao no roome ltftfor God, he withdrtw himfelf to the Threjbold, jbewing htwouldfainhavehadaRoomamong{lthem, 6ut he wao ju{lltd o11t, gladto fland at the Threjbold olltfoot in allother out, for whatfetlowjhip htJth God with Idols 1 2 Cor. 6. t6, God will not walk amo~tgyou 'IAihtrt Idols arr.