Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

88 The Glory of the Gofjel, ------~~~~~- And then Fifthly and La!lly, The glory wholly departs when the Cherubims do afcend or are removed, E:uk. 11. n.Wben the Cberubims l•ft "P thetr w• 11gs then theglorywmt from the Ctty quzte.Now,Cherttblms areAnge/s,bothCele!liaJ and thefe on Eanh,namely Muuflers of tbt GoJPel. For if you would fee wha~ thefe Chert1b1ms were, fee E.zek. '· 5, 6. The)•were Fottr l3eaj/s who had ra– ces of a Lyon, aMtm, a110x, attEagle, andWillgsfuliofE.J'"• Nowinthe toth. Chapter, ver. r, '4· and 20. thefe are called Cherub1ms; Now, if you would fee what thefe Beaf\s are, fee Rev. 4· 6. where the fame living Creatures are in the fame manner defcribed with the fame Faces, wi11gs a11d Ey•es. Rev, 5· 1 ,, and there they are made difiinc:l: from the Twe111y Four Elders. That is, tht S,unts attd Angels, and therefore by them are meant the J>Vuij/ers midMa– g,flrates, efpecially Mmij/rrs, whereof fomeare Lyottsfor Zeal a11d Cottrage, ami Terror 111 Preachmg. Others Oxm for thtir pai11s, a11d d,IJ,gntce, and co11jlatJ(7, a11dplanmefs. Others are mm, prtach more ratiotJa/Jy to co11viuct the Ga111 fayrs. Others Eagles, that have more deep itljight into Heavenly Myjltrm, mid fore high a11d ~lift.. . . Now, when once Error 1s let m, and Idolatry IS adm1tted , then look for the Cherubtms to afcend, to be removed : And in any flate, or in the mean time, when a Cherttb Afcends up to Heaven, that had the face of a Mrmm1dan Eagle, from a particular place, theglor;•of God fometimes goes with him, as when old Ely died, the Wile of Ph111ehas fa1d, 1 Sam, 4• 20. The glory wasgon,11ot o11ly becau{e of the Ark, but alfo bteaufe of her Father in Law. And now let me exhort) ou, ol this place and Kingdom, ferioully to confider the fiate and condition of the Gofpel, f\anding amongfl you, and whether many of thefe figns are not fulfilled before your eyes. For the prefent, to let the King– dom go, look homeward to your felves, is not the glory ofthis place exceeding– ly vanill11 of late years in mens opinions abroad1 Do they not fufpeCl: unfound– nefs in Doctrine, and otherwife? . Doth God fill his Ordinance~ as Sails with the wind he had wont to do? Your hearts know bef\ who have had experience of former times, remember the breathings and warmings of former times. It may be our faults, yet fure I am, we are ai!if\ed for your fakes efpecially, 1 The f. 1. 5· And accordingly do our Tongues cleave to the roof of our mouths; Do not our h~nds which Jhould be lift up to God for fupply, even then when your lolfes and fears are greatefl, grow ilack and flag ; and your hearts faint? Do you feek God with mourning and weeping, and fiir up one another to do fo? Do not Errors bordering on Popery creep in upon us a pace, and begin to overgrow us, and our Silver to become drofs? Is ~ot one ol the Chrrubs afcended, others removed, your Sun fet at noon, a total Ecclipfe threamed? Yet at length, Brethren, bef\ir your felves, Would you have the word dwell with you, Lettheworddwellinyou, Colof. 3· Get acquaintance with it, be familiar to it, keep it company in your thoughts, converie with it, meditate in it day and mght, let it ly, lleep, wake, walk, fit, ride with you. Alfo be valiant for Truth, Holdfajl tbethiugs you haw beett taught; Rev. 2. 24.25.However other Opinions may be thruf\ upon you under pretence ofdepths, as there are, yet holdfa.fl ti/J I come; So you may enjoy it till Chrifl come, Take heed of having pleafure in unrighteoufnefs, 2 Thef 2. 10. It wi!J give you ttp to tus tohe dam11ed; '1urtJ from folly, a11dreturn to it 110 more, btttfear tht Lord. P[at. 8 5. 8. 9· compared, Ltt them ttot return to folly, fatvattO/t .u 11igh to them that frar him, that glory may dwell i11 our Land. Blefs God for, and prize the meanefl that bring the glad tidings of falvation in Power, and faithfulnefs, Matt, 23. 38. I wi!Jgoh~nce, fays Chrifi, till they (ay btefftd i; be that comts in tht 11amt of tht Lord, a11dthen will I retttrn agam. You young ones, get you grace into your hearts, and the word rooted there, that when it dies in old men, there may be a fucceilion of it in you. Above all be earnefl with God, pray that he thrufl forth Labourers into his Harvefl, Godfeeds the Ravms thatC'I'y to him, Jo6. 38. 44· ·that wa11der 11p mzd down,k1loW1lot 'lllhere to have a meals meat 11ext; and as Chrifi argues,doth Godtake carefor Li/Jies a11d Birds, Matt. 6. 26. a11d are not you m11ch brttrr thmthey? Are not you Children? And is not the Word, Childrens Bread ? That i•, it i!lheirs, appointedfor them, Matt. '5· 26, No prayer ofCh1ldren p1erce