Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

On C 0 L 0 SS. I. 25, 26. pierce their Parents ear more then when they cry for Bread, for thofe thar are born mufi be kepr, Lamrn. 4· 3· Sea Monflersgive their Breajls totheiryoung ones, much more God, God is loarh ro remove from an anti.ent dwelling place, as you may fee by his lingring inEzek.9. 3• To the Thrfjhotd, thence to the mid[/ of the City, f§c, His promifc is to give them Pafiors according to his own heart, if there be but one or two in a City, Jer. 3· '4'' ;. and there ate more in rhis Town. AndPfal, q2. Il. God[wore to Vavid, that if his Chitdrm keep myCove. na11t, &c. they jhortldjitupo1J his Throne, and God would make it his rejl, vcr. 14. Iris a trouble to him to remove, and therefore at rhe 17th. Vfrje, he fays, He wilt ordain a Lamp, that is when one Candle is our, he will give another,fo 1 Kings •;. 4· iris interpreted. Now, The famepromifes are to you all for the fure mercies of V,wid; Ifay are promifed ro be efiablilhed ro all rhat are in Covenant, as one light is our, God will ferupanorher, as of Magifrraresfoof Minifrers, .7er. B·17, 18. [ fay as Samuel, 1 Sam. 12. 22, 23, 24. For the Lord witl11ot forj;,ke his People for his grplt namefake, 6ecatt{e rt bath pleajrdthe Lordto makeyou his People. Moreover, asfor me God forbid that I jhou!djiiJ agam(/ the Lord i11 ceajei11g to p.rayforyou,bttl I wilt teach you thr good, and the right way. Only fear the Lord alld(erue him ifl Tmth with a/Jyonr htart; for co11jider howgreat things ht h<1th do11efor you: B11t if;•oufha/1[/1!1 do wickedly,yon jhatl be conjitmed,&.c. N ------- -----