HE B. X. 4, 5, 6, 7· Which I demonfirate thus , l will take the ground in the Tcxr. Confider the Projed is to take away Sins. Now, if he will take away Sins, ro thew his Love to the utmofi, as hath been fhewn , then to mal<e way for the manifefia– tion of this, he was firfi to give a Law, which might borh difcover what was Sm, and what an heinous thing it was; and lhew by a Threatning znnex.ed, that punifhment which it naturally did deferve, and what the Sm11er might expea in Jullice from him. . . This was neceffary; for where there IS 110 Law, there can be no Sw, Rom. )· '3· SJ11 is not imputed where there is no Law; and otherwife, he fhould have no Sinners adually capable of Mercy; none to pardon. Giving this Law, he takes upon him to be a Judge, and the .Judge of all the World · for in the very making of the Law he declares himfelf to be fo. And ·fo then: he is engaged upon many firong Motives to fhew his Jufiice againfi Sin in that puni01ment he threamed; though fi1ll 10 that he ts Judge of all the World, and the maker of the Law could, if he pleafed, forbear to execute thofe Threatnings, feeing a nore of lrrevocatio11 was nor added ro them. For he that made rhe Law, may repeal that part of it, yer mofi firong Motives there are to execute them. Hefpeaks of Bloodhere, Heb:9.22,23. he fays, rhat withoflt Blood there u 110 remif!ion. He Will have Blood 10 heu of SatujaE!io~t; and verfe 23· makes a necel7ity that there lhould be Sacrifices, and better Sacrifices than the Blood of BtdJs a11d Goats, ncceffary not abfolutely, but in regard of God's refolurion to farisfie Jufiice. And therefore the Heathens facrificed to pacifie their angry gods; it being innate in Nature, that God might be farisficd. The Reafons of this, why God required Satisfadion, I have fhewed elfewhcre. Foris he not, the Judge of all the World,? Arrd is it not a righteous thing with God to render Vmgea11ce? 2 Thef[. r. 5. Sha/111at the Jttdge of a!J the World do right! Gm. r8. As fhe faid, If thou do 1101 Jt!(ltce, cet;[e to be a 1Ci11g. And is he nor, thereby, to fer a Copy ro all Judges elfe, being Judge of all rhe World? Primttm i11 quolibet gmrre ef/ mm(11ra •·et: quorum. And i• · not he imabomj,ratio11 to him, thrJt juj/ifies the tmrighteotts, and caudem11s the !mtocmt? Prov. 17. 1). They may not, becaufe they are but his Ju!lices: And though he might, being Supream Judge; yet, if all rhc World be his Circuit, and he means to condemn the Angels by that Law, and to fhew his Jufiice on them, how will he clearly overcome when he Judges rhem? as Ram. l· 4- Stop thr mo11ths? as it is in the 19th verfe; if he I!Jews not his Juflice on thofe Sin– ne'5hepardons. And though he might fay to them, Paywhatyottoweme; What is that to you? Yet even the men he pardons, and pardons to that end, to lhew his Mercy; would efieem Sin lefs, and P~rdon lefs, if it were procured and obtained lightly. There iJ Mercy with him to lie feared, nqt to be contemned, as the Pfalmi(l fpeaks; And, are not all his Attributes his Nature, his Jullice as well as Mercy, 'his hatred of Sin as well as love of his Creatures ? And is not that Nature of his a pure ad, and therefore provokes his Will to manlfefi all thefe upon all oc– cafions? Doth not Jufiice boil within him againfi Si11, as well as his Bowels of Mercy earn towards the Si•mer? And fhould Sin, which is the grearefl Inordi– nacy, nor be brought in compafs in his Goverment, who cloth order all things; lhould it be left extravagant and not regarded, and efcape as free as Holinefs? And is not the Plot of Redemptio11his Mafier-piece, wherein he means to bring all his Attributes upon the Stage? And fhould his Jnflia, ana this expreffed by a Law, keep in and lit down? No, Ram, 3· 26. He refo!v eth to be Juff, and the .'1uf/:firr of thr S11mer too; that i<, as it is in the foret~oing verfes, 6y dr– clari11g his Rightroufitefl; that is, give an inflance of his Jufiice againfi the fins of rhofe he pardons, though he jufiihes the Sinner. Though Private men may put off a wrong, yet Publick perfons, that govern others, arc to execute it for Example fake. · This being his Refolution, Obferve! Secondly, That the way he took was by a Mrliiatot~r, that may take Sitts off from the Sinner, and expofe himfe!f to fa– tisfie his Juflice, for noway elfe can be imagined. And (o the Go.J!s wh:ch he 0 mentions ------- 97