Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A S.ERMO N on mentions, did in the Type f1gnific fo much, Lev. 16. They cot~jeJJed their Sms over them, which fignified, That God intended a Commutation, that he fou ht out fome Party, who might take the Sills upon himfelf, and undertal<e to fati);;e be able to d~ it; and fo he mif!;ht fiill be Jul\, and alfo a Jufiifier of Us, upo~ whom he m1ght lay tht lmq111ty he took off from us, l{ai. 5 s· 6. and exact the prmifj:wuut, as Jrmius reads the next words; that might become a Surety, Heb. 7:U· that mig,ht be madeji11, 1._ Cor.5.ult. and, rmderthe Law, Gat. 4 -4And gtve and expole h1mfelf asa Ranfom dnf,v1&r, a fufficunt, adequate Sawfrctio 11 to that his Ju(lice againfi Sin. Thefe, and many the like Phrafes, the Scripture ~L . And if you ask, !-low God declares his Jriflice 6y this courfo, freing tht Law threat11eth the Siuuer 'I I Anfwer, That the Law is the effect of God's Will'· which is guided by Counfel, For ht works all thmgs accordmg to the (ormfet of his ow11 lflrll· and therefore. he 11_1•Ydifpenfe w~th the. tenor or Letter of it.. If fo be tlwfe' holy ends, wh1ch his Counfel had mmalung of it, be accomplifhed and attained and if the reafonof the Law and Lawgiver be fatisfied, then is the Law. ' Now the ends and 'grounds of giving God's Law, were to declare and fl1ew forth his Juf1ice and hatred agaitrji Siu, wherever he found it, Now, his Juftice and hatred of Sin is as fully manifefied, when Punifhment is executed upon a Party undertaking Sin, to be made a Surety for it, as if the Sinner him!elf were punifhed, if not more, in that he cloth but undertake it for another, and yet is not fpared: As God is faid to hear our Prayers, and fulfil his Promifc when he anfwers to the ground of .our Prayers, though not in the thing. Soar; the Cries of Si11 again{\ the Srnner for Jufiice, anfwered, and his Threatnings fulfilled when another is puniil1ed, becaufe all the ends of the Lawgiver are fully ac: complifhedt It is true, The tenor and letter of the Law is difpenfed with, but not the 'Debt, that is as fully exacted as ever. 'Tis but a difpenfation of the Party ob– ligee!, not of the Obl igotion it felf, or of the Debt, nor of the reafons of the _Debt: It is not wholly Stctmdum Legem, ;:N~-rd.Y~,u4v,Ut Y.d-~ "ht'-W·~N,cttimpvOftOP1 if1 Jmr ,GI'•· It is a faying no lefs folid than elegant ; and therefore the more elegant, becaufe it was anciently ufed in another cafe. And although the Law cloth not mention or name a Surety; indeed the Male– factors fingle Bond is aniy mentioned, and the Threatning directed again{\ him. His Name is only in theProcefs, becaufe the Law in it felf fuppofeth as yet ncme elfeguilty,andcancha!lengenoneelfe; butif fome other, who is Lord of his own actions, fubject himfelf to the Law wiUingly, which Will of his is a Law to him: And the Lawgiver himfelf, who is Lord of the Law, accept this, as feeing the fame ends fha!l be fatisfied, for which he made the Law; In this cafe, the Law takes hold of the Surety or Undertaker, and he may let the Malefactor go free. And .1~tf/ice will permit this <;omrnutation, when all Parties arc fatisfied, and no wrong is done to any. For tf the Party undertakmg be willing, .1u(lrce may well be fatisfied, Votmti 11on fit injttria. And having Power, all that thing which he offers to lay down for fatisfaction, being Lord of it, no other is wr.on· ged; neither is the Party to be fatisfied, wronged, if he that uncerrakes it be of abibty fully to fattsfic and fulfil what he defires. . . And if the Lt~wgivtr be willing to alfent to thts act of hts, and to accept it, being Lord of his own Law; he may difpenfe with the Letter of it, if fo be thofe holy ends which his Council had in making it, be accompliil1ed and at· tained. In this cafe, there is no que{lion of Injufiice; nay Jlljlice cloth re{l fatisfied, as if the Sinner had done it. And all thefe concur in the Means, which God bath ordained to take ilWil)' ji11, as we fhall fee anon. And now, in the Third place, the difficulty in finding out a Party, who fl10uld willingly undertake this, and be able to perform tt; and whom God would ven– ture upon, and fully trufi to effect it. Firfi,