HE B. X. 4, ;,_6, 7· Firft, The Blood of BuUs and Goats were not able, It i< 11ot poffi6lt; and in– deed, add to them all the Creatures that are the appurrenanc~s of Man , which man bath to give, as Silver, Gold, Prrciotu S·onrs, ~c. N ty, not the whole World of them, for nothing lefs noble than man, can be n fufficient furety for mans life, which Sin deprives of, it muft be an adequate ranfom .bTiM1eJ', 1 Tim. 2.6. ReddJtio £qtuv.;/mti< pro £qwvaleutr, a Tooth for a Tooth, a Life and Blood as noble as ours, or it will not fatisfie. Counters wt!l not pay for Gold, Now, all fuch things arc not worth a Soul, which is to be loft Ior Sin, faid He that poid for one, Matt.r6.26. WJ!I the Lord 6e plea{ed with Rivers of Oil; nay, WJththe}'irjl-6ornof thy Bod)•,forthrSi1Joj thy Soul, there is no pro– portion. God would never have turn'd away fo fair a Ch1pman, if' his .711f1ice could afford fo cheap a commutation. All the World was mode for man to have dominion over, and cannot fill his Soul, and All in it a mmt wtll;;ive for hi< !Jfr, as Jo6 r. and therefor; m hts own efttmauon, they arc not equtvalent to it. A King's Ranfom 1S more than another mans, becaufe the Perfon IS worthier; fo nor all rhefe for a mans life, who i' Lord of all. ' But Secondly, You will fay, Yet thr Blood of mm tqtJat with thy ((if may '1 Anfw, 'Pjal.49 7· Amau cannot redum his Brother, 11or give to God a Ran– Jam for him, fo precious fhall be the redemption of the Soul. Shall we fay, Mtlrtyrs, Sai11ts, whofe Deaths yet are preciotts ill God's 12es; bur not fo precious as to redeem a Soul. Shall we fay, A11gels; Suppofe ]ujhce did not re• quire the fame Nature that finned fhould die, it may be doubted their expofing themfclvesto deflruC!:ion could nor take away Si1ts; not bur that their lives are as good as ours, but becaufe Sin is fo heinous, God's Wrath ngainft it fo great, as it could never be flacked. Let us confider a little what Sin is, It is true indeed, that Sin hurts not God in regard of the event; .'fo6. 35'- 6. If thott Jimu{l, wbat dofl thou againf1 him, (!)c. an<) therefore fay fome School– men, No R.efiitution need be made 1'rr modttm ."fuj/iti£. It difplrafeth God (fay. they) oni;•, it doth 110t hurt bim. It u o11[y a11 ltJdignity, 110t mt Injury. But yet Injuries are to be meafured, and called fo, by the Termimu they tend to as all Motions are; As that is called CalefaE!io that rends to heat, and by the will of the Parry, not by the event and fuccefs; and fo, hr tbat IMtrs hi< Brother is faid to be a Murt herer, though he kills him not, r Johlt l· r5. And God rakes the will for the deed, r. Now Sill tends to deflroy God;s Law, though itdoth not, for not one lOt<~ of it fhall pafs; yet becaufe it tends to it, as muc,J as in it lies, Pf.tl. 119 126, 2, So the manifcftation of God's Glory, though it fhall receive no foyl, no more rhan the Sun-beams can do by Mifls, but it will fcarrer all; yet Sill rends to darken it and obfcure it, and to diflwnour him, fetting up other ?;ods. l• So God's Bei11g it roucheth oot, yet it is admiat of God, Ttt.r.ult. a pro– felling there is none. lt makes a man hate God; and as hr that b.lles his Bro– thtr is a Murtherer, fo he that hates God, is, (what in him lies) a deftroyer of his very Being, 'Pecc,Jtt~m ejl 'Deicid111m. Now, though thts Injury rakes not effect, yet the demerit of it feems to be no lefs; not an Indignity, bur an Injury. It istrue alfo, that it i; effentially but 'l'rivatio 6oni, and is not Privatia'Dei, no more than Blindnefs may be called aprivation of colour, but of fight, to fee with, as Vafqruz R.enfons. 'fis rruo, as in the Eclipfe of the Stm, though the Stm lofeth really no light by it, but the Earth; yet becaufe it makes the Face of the World below, as if there were no Stt~t; irisfaidroberheEclipfeof it, and not of the Earth: Andfoir maybe faid of Sill; It is aprivatioJJ of God, of his Glory and Law; bccaufe, t hougl1 indeed we are the lofers, yet it makes to us, as if there were no God, as if be had , no being, and fo may be fa id the Eclipj'e of his Bei11g: They live without God in the World, Eph.2.10. and, without tbe Lrr..v, 1 7im.r.g, And are deprived of the Gto':y of. God, which is not mmJijefled i11 them, nor 6y them, Rom,pJ. And 1f Sm IS to be accountedreally thus, What fatisfaC!:ion can any C>·eatm·e make, Salflt or A11gel, by fuffenng? What bath he to be deprived of, that is equtvalent to thefe? For he can be but deftroyed, 0 z Firlfj 99 ..