102 A SE RM 0 N on 'Therefore what if (as in making his promifes, as it·is faid, Heb. 6. , 7, God bting wdltng mort t~btmdmllly to fbrw to the Hflrs of .£tlvatt011 co11jirmed tt by rmOath; which puts an end to all Controverftes verfe 16. A11d brca,.Je '" c Jwear by no gre11ttr he wtti(wear by htm[r/f;) fay I in this. What if God t' abtmda11ti, (upon fuppofinon that other means wuld have done it ) yet out xf abundance of love to us, whomhe thinks he cannever love enough,nor to !he: his love do too much for; Whattf_he means to gtve his Son becaufe he cannot give a greater. And mdeed lt IS he In the Volume of the Book zt it writtnz of mt. And fo attain to give the greate!l: in!l:ance of his Love and Ju!l:ice, Love in thatnotonly he ts_content to commute the Puni!hment, but lay it on his Son, Ju!l:tce, that he wtll not only pum!h fin m us but even m Ium,Spar'd not his owtJ J'o11, Rom. 8.ji· and fo make fure work mdeed, put an end to all fuppofitions fears, yea pol!ibility of mifcariage. ' A way whereby to accommodate all fo fully, as all conveniences requifite to this work fhOilld concur, yea, abound, exceed in his alone Mediation. · The Oemon!l:ration of which cloth depend upon the fecond part of the !l:ory when we hear what Chri!\ did to the effecting of it. ' Only for the prefent, you may fee all the former cafes and difficulties that were put in the mediation ot the Creature now vanifh and di!folve. For he is able fully to make a mends for !in, and the injury thereof, aggravate it to the lnghe!l; Confider who tt 1s, It ts Ius Son: Is !in the breach of the holy · L•w of God? He is more, The rffmtial word of his Father, Johnt. '· The other but the wvrd of hu will, he made the Law and gave it. Gal. >· , 9, And if he wtll vouchfafc to be made under 1t, as Gal.+ 4Tlus mal<es amen<lis tor all. . Is fin adefacer of the manife!lation of God's glory, and goes about to rob him of it? He is more, not the refleCtion of his glory only, but the bright?ufs of huglory; He6,1. j· If therefore, hewtllbecontent to lay down thts glory, and come in the form of a Servant, and make himfelf of no reputatiofl as Phtl. 2. 7· nshedid. Joh114-5· Glonfymenowwithtbeglory 1 hadwiththre, be– fore thr Wor/dwM, It was eclipfed,!hut up in a Dark Lanthorn as it were,Will not this make amends? Oath fm feek God's life; If .he now, that bath a life equal unto God's, as John 2 . :~.6. It is {a,dhe b,tth thr fame !tfe with his Father, andtbit~ks it 110 ro66uy tobeeqttalwllhhzm, Phtl.2.6. If hewtll6ecomeobedu11tto death; as 1t is ver. 8. Oath not this make amends? Neither !hall he lay down what is ano– thers, as the Creatures. 1 have power to lay dow11 my ltfe. Johll 10. 18, Is lt God's Wrath, and the pangs of death, are to be encountred with? he dares do it, Jeremiah jO. 21. He }hall draw 11ear tome when ttolle elf< ran. r And will he be overcome with it, and fo a ways a fatisfying ~ No, the pangs of death cannot hold him, ACls 2. 24. Wherewith it was zrnp~l]ible he )ho11ld be held; he will be able to fay in the end ; it zs ji11ijhed. Or will hisfatisfaetionfervebutforone? Yes, For Worlds, Rom, 5·'7• 18, '9· H• is able to bnng i11 jitch ahtmdmtte of Righteouft~efs , M jhali abou11d to f!Jfl11:)1· And for bringing us into favour, and Adopting us Sons, and conveying Righteoufnefs, who better then he, who is the natural Son of God, the beloved Son of God, in whom all the beams of that love which are difperfed to all Crea– tures , are conc"ntred as the Beams of the Son in a burning glafs. Two things yet remain which mull: neceffarily concur to this bufinefi to make it fatisfaCl:ion. That both God the Father, and Chri!\ be willing and tully wil– ling, that thus it !hould be accompli!ht. Neceffary it was that God the Father fhould be willing, and cafl him to it, for he was the perfon unto whom the fatis– faction was to be made in the name of the refi, as I faid before; It being uy commutation which in fuch a cafe depends as much upon the W'ill acceptarion and •• confent