Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

HE B. X. 4, ), 6. 7· confent of the party wronged to make it fatisfaction, as on the worth of the thing rdlored; be it never fo full and equivalent to the wrong, yet .lt· is not fa· tisfaction, unlefs he be willing to accept it for another, becaufe 1t fatisfies not him. 0!Jmdo alittd offertt<r, q11am ejl i11 Oblil{atio11e, ejl fatisfae!io recttjiJbi– li&. Should Chrifi do all this never fo fully and freely, unlefs the Father's Will and Call concurto it, he might refufe it, condemn it notwithfianding, And fay, Who rrquired this atyo11r h,mds? And therefore Heb. ro. the verle following my Text, he afcribes as much to the Will of God accepting it, as to the Merit or· Chrifi's death, to make all effectual to fanctify us. Throttgh the which Wzlt we are SmiCfijied, through the OjJeri11g of the Body of Chrifl. • Yea, He mull be more than willing; he mull call his Son to ir, and be the lirfi mover of it to hirri to undertake it, for belides that ye heard before, that the Fa– theristhefir!lmoverin all, fointhis; It i& mz Ojficeof Priejlhood, Heb· )·4• ) , and even Chrifi himfelf mufi be called to it, as well as Aaro11, fays the Text there. And if fo, Then here comes in the greatell difficulty of all the re!\. A diffi– culty it was to find out a way ; when that was done, a greater to find out a per– fan fo fully fitted as might do it; And fuch difficulty as if it had been referred to Men or Angels, all their wifdomcould not have found it out unto Eternity. A– d tlltl knew none , for he !load by Trembling; thought God would have flown at him. The Devil knew none; Thought all fure, and therefore tempted man. The good Angels learn it of the Church, Ephef. l· 10. God you fee fet his depths of wifdom awork to find out one in whom all m ight be accommodated. But the finding out of the Perfon hath brought a greater with it; For if none but he who was his Son could do it : And he though a Son yet if he become a furety, Jujlice would 11ot have fpared, Rom. 8. jO. bated nothing, without Blood no remillion; and not the bell Blood of h1s Body would ferve , but of his Soul too; He m11jl6ear ot1r Sorrows, Ifai. B• )• Pay God in the fame Q\Ioin, we fhould and therefore mull make his So11t tm Ojfrring, verfe la!\. If he be made fin he mufi be made a Curfe; And which is more than all this, God himfelf mull be the Executioner, and his own Son the whipping !lock; No Creature could firike a firoke hard enough to make it fatisfaction :Many a tender Motper ath not the heart to fee her Child whip'd, much le(s to whip it her felf, though for its own profit and good when it is in fault: But God mull put his Son to grief, lfai. l· You heard at fir!\ God's will was firengly fet upon this refolution oftaking fins away, and fo it might be, and more fironglythan ever on any thing elfe; but yet not upon fuch terms as thefe he might be glad to feeitdone,but not tocofi too dear. The bufinefs is at a !land here, and like to be clean datht; We that are poor lhallow-headed firait-hearted Creatures might well think fo. To find out the Perfon and way to accomplifh it, drew but out the depths of his wifdom: But now if it go forward it will draw out the depths of his love. It earl him but his thoughts before, now it mull eo!\ him his Son, the Son of his love; and if it were to Sacrifice Worlds for us, he could eafily Create Millions and defiroy them again. But what to Sacrifice his Son? What to be the firft propounder and contriver of fo harfh ~ mgtion, as it may feem to be unto him l this is more, - , The Text (to go no further,) rids us of this alfo, and plainly tells us he did allthis, I11 thy Book. tt IJ wrtttm of me, fays Chrifi; That I /hotttd do thy wdJ; he IS not w1lhng only, but the fir{\ decreer of 1t, It is writtm of me. Written, Where? If you will have what I think, we find the very words recorded, He6. )· 6. which placef11ews how God the Father called him to it and how he that faid unto him 'thou art my Sott this Jay have I btgottt11 thee; 'rays in another place, Thou art a Priefl ajier the Order of Mtlchijedeck. The Ho– ly Ghofi brings in.both thefe and joyns them both together, as concurring in this C~ll; and bnngs 10 the fir!\ as t~e Argument and Monve God ufed to him when hQ moved him; He that (rrys I bott .1rt my So11, fays aljo, thott art t1 Pricf/. He was his Father, and fo lud _r·awe'r to apl'oint his Son his Calling , (as other Pa– rents have,) he appomts h1m to be a Pnefi; and therefore he tells him that he is his