Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

7 2 An Expojition of the Epiflle ---------------- ---------------- ~ (and have a new Being in Chriil,) which Chrifi is then made tous Wzfdom; and Srrm. Vf. many other Priviledges we have by him before we can come to have a well– ~ 6ei11g. In like mnnner, we mufi ~rfi be fuppofed to have a Bemg in Chriil, (Of him :;·e are 111 Chrzff Jejtts, I Cor.I ,ult.) ere we can be fuppofed to par– take of any thing from him, or of any extrinfecal or intrinfecal Pr.iviledge that is his, or that cometl1 from hun. You know, ere a man can have any priviledge m t!1e vtftble world, he mufi be a m.z11, and a man, that Is, a Sott of the fir{t ddmn. God indeed bath given the world ro the Sons of men, but yet the Conveyance and the Charter by which they hold it, is their coming from Adamb) multiplication (as it is Ge11. I, 26, 28.) fo as before any Soul, (if you could fupl'ofe it extant before it comes into the body) can come to enjoy the right or pnv!ledge of any tlung In this world, It mufi be by bemg umted to a body that cometh tromAd,zm by propagation, and fo it becomes one of Adam's po!lertty: So is it here; Before ever you can come to have a right of Inheritance in any thmg of the other world, you mull firfi be fuppofed to be m Chrz(/. Now Elel1io1l is that which firl1 gives you a being in Chriil, and then God by theaCl: of Predejlwatio1tdid appoint you a well-bem~ through him. Again, Look as God in his Decrees about the Creation, did not confider the body of .Adam fing~yor apart Jrom his Soul, nor yet the Soul without his Body; (I fpeakof hi• firlt Creation and !late thereby,) neither lhouldeithcrhavefo much as exified, but as the one in the other : So nor Chriil and his Church in Election, whicll gave the fir{\ exiilence both to Chriil as an Head, and to the Church as his Body, which each had in God's Decrees. And Holi11cjs ( which is the fruit of EleCl:ion here) is the Image of God, and a likenefs unto him, which makes us capable of Communion with him; as like– wife in one Man unto another,makes him fociable and tit to converfe with another Man hisSupenour: Soholinefs for Communion with the great God; and there– fore the Apollle faics, wzthout holiuefs 110 manfb,zflfee God, nor indeed crw fee hzm, as Chril1 Job. { Look as fame Colours are the ground-work to the laying on of other, and all Colours to Varnifl1, fo is grace aground-work unto glory and Communion with himfCif. Look as Reajo1t is the foundation of Lraruirtg, no man being able to attain it, unlefs he bath Rea{ou: So we cannot attain the glory of Heaven, (which is meant by Adopttoll,) till fuch time as we have holinefs, and perfeCl: holinefs. Without hoJinr{s 1w M,mjb ;1/fee God. So that holinefs is the Image of God, which makes us like unto htm; and fit for Communion with him, and Heaven is but Communion with God. But then, 1f you ask me what Adoption is, it is plninly this ; it is a right to the Glory of Heaven, and that is fuperadded to Holinefs. We groan within our [elves (faies the Apofile,) Ram. 8. 23. wmti11g for the AdoptioN, to wit, tfve rrdemptio1l of our Bodirs; th>t is, till we iliall be brought to Heaven,ancl to that full and confummate glory there, wHich not only the Soul (now made perfeCI:) hath; but which the Soul and Body together iball have when that lail part of our Redemption is fin ifl1cd, in the RefurreCl:1on ofthe Body. And therefore it is ex– prdfed by the Redtrnptionof the Bad)•, it being that glorious fiate that follows thereupon. And this we are by Predellination ordained to, as the end that God would brmg us unto, And fo, fom~ conjoyn thofe two, Adoptio1l and Glory, Ram. 9· 24. that is, Glorious Adoption, or Adoption to Glory. And if you look into I }oh. l· 2. you flJall then fee another place, where being the So11S of God, or Adopted, is put for Heavm. Behold, (faies the Apo!lle,) what maJJ1ler of lovr the Father bath fhewed tts, that wejhould brcat!edthe Sons of God! Th<r< isAl•p- Brlovtd, wr are 11ow thr Soils of God, 6111 it doth 110t:;•et appear what wr fha/1 ~:i~;::{;e~: he; for we know, th.It wheu He fj:J,dl appear, wejba!J be like :mto Him, for we ~·mely mth~ jha/1fee him a< he i<; even the Lord Jefus Chrifi in Glory. So then, Adoption l"'.'"dhTnle contains all the great Dignity of a Chriilian in this life, but ultimately, and more ~~::·b;fi~~:~d. efpecially, (as here) that fulnefs of Glory whereby we /hall be like to Chrifl in His Glory; according to that in Joh. I7. 22. Tbr Glory tho11 h,z(l gtvm mr, I havegivm tbrm. In a word, Adoptio11 and Holi11eJs here are all one with what the Pfalmifl fpeaks, He willgive Grace and Glory; a!ld 110 good thi11gwill Ht witbboldf>'om them, &c. PerfeCl: Grace and Holinefs, that's the fruit of EleCl:i– on; and Glory added to Grace, (that's the varnilh of it,) is meant by Adoption.