Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

HE B. X. 4, 5, 6, 7· . a Son, equal to fo great a Father; yet being a Son he is not exempted from 06e– ditnct, Phit,2.8.He6. 5.8. And when his Father fhall add an Oath alfo, that is an end of all Controverftes between man and man, much more between Father and Son, He6. 6.18. And lafl of all, he ftt his Seat to it; It mufl fland good,for his Seal to it!hews there is no breaking it, 2 Tim.2 .1.9, All thefe made him fully willing, which is therefore to be in a fpecial manner taken notice of, that we may confider for whofe fake principally Chrifl did die and undertake it, and fee to wliom we are fo much beholding; though he did it out of love to us, yet chiefly for his Father's entreaty and command, and out of love to him: So Chrifi fays, Joh!J 1 4-F· That the World may know that I love the Father, and that tU hegave me Commandment, fo do I. He fpeaks this then when~e was to go to.fuffer, Arifo, let U1 go hmce. A.nd now he is engaged, there ts no fear of mifcarnage or unfauhfulnefs; He bemg God, our Salvation we fee is in fure hands, 'though it were yet to perform. The lirfi part of the Story and Te;Kt is done, p A •