On C0 t 0 SS. I. :w. In a word; Take this for a fure Rule, that though the inrenti on of the Merits of Chrift did arife from his fufficiency and abilities ro mediate, yet the extenfion from his properfitncfs 1 and therefore to none bur as Men,whofe Nature he per– took of. Firft, We fee he hath fulnefs of fitnefsin him; let us riow fee if he hath ful~ nefs of abilities and li1fficiencies in him, for this great work; whici1 is a dtfrinCl: thing from the former : For in the Old Law, the next a kin was always motl: fit to redeem, but it may be, Not always able. Secondly, Chrifthath a fulnefs of A 6il(ty to effeCt this great buCtnefs; to make a perfeCt Mediation, every way fausfaCl:ory. And furely if he hath all fulnefs in him to this end, (as mColofs. 1. ' 9•) he therefore wants no.ability and fufficiency hereunto, to make a perfeCt Saviour, as he is called, Heb. 5. 9· And this may be demonftrated from what went before. For Fir[i, God called him to this great work. Now, If he had not been fu lly alile to undertake and go through wah it, God would never have pitched upori him. Men may call one to a place who may prove infufficienr, becaufe they of– ten know not what Mens abilities are when they call , Neither can they give a– bilities by calling, but God calls none but he knows their fufficiency already; or in calling makes them fuch. Now, God knowing Chrift·s fufficieno/, called him to it, Pja/.45•7· Becaufe he hated !11iquity and loved Righteoufitefs, therefore he annointed him to be a head; becaufe he was therefore able to fullill all Righteoufnefs, and not ra fin ! That is, he was armed with power to execute the Office of l'ricfthood for ever, and overcome all diffic~lties ; and therefore he is faid to have beer. made a Priefl with power of an endlefslife, and notafterthe Law of a Carnal Commandment, as other Priefts were. Their Office ( he f'!)'s,) was weak and not able to bring things to perfection, as it w~snot able to fatisfy God: but he with the power M an Endlefs life; becaufe Chnft had power enough to furvive the eneounrer ofhis Fathers wrath and live for ever; to go through.[iitch·with the work and bring it to perfeCl:i?n, and not Succumbfrf or fink under it. And Secondly, In that God called him, he undertook to make hirrt able. Belldes, that·God knew C hrift able,and therefore called him;jt may be further faid, That in calling him he undertook to make him able. Men,if they find not Men able fer places when they call them,cannot give obilities,butGod doth give abilities by cal– mg l[ai.42. 1.4. Beholdmy&rva11t w hom! t~phold; Mme Eldt (orcho(e1J o11f,) Vfr. 6. Whom I have caOedin Righteotifiufs , ( fays God,) that is, I have called him to this Office, and that in Righteoufnefs; put him not up~n it unwillingly; and him l chofe of all that ever were or lhall be: and he is my Servant in it; and t herefore certainly I will uphold him in it 1 and therefore (as it isv o ·, 6. ) He promifeth that he will hold his hand up that he fink not; even as Cbrift hd d up Ptter from !inking; and will keep him fo, (as ver. 4· ) Hejbatl 11ot f at! orft~lt jhort to accomplijh the work of Mediatio11 i11 tht ltaf/ tittle: Nor JbaOhe be dtf– corwaged, or (as it is in the Original,) not be brokm ; ( and he was to undergo that which would have broke the backs of Men and Angels , ond pu!ht them t<1 Hell.) But helhall not be broken, but backt with all the power that God hath who mad, the Hravms, C!Jc, as it follows, ver. )· And Thirdly, Ycu heard how Chri[i was willing to undertake it ; and there– fore furely knew himfelf able to go through' with it ; for otherwife he would ne• ver have undertaken it. A wife Man will not undertake an Enrerpr:ze that he is not able to manage or go through with; and Chri[i much lefs, \vho is the wif• dom of his Father, Cola{s. 2. He will not do as a foolilh builder, that begins and fetsupon a work which he is not able to finilh. What wife man will eriter into BoQd for another, for more thart heisworth himfelf; and fo ly in prifon for ever ? No wife man will ; much lefs Ci1rift j therefore furely he was able. And