Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

uo A SERMON on And Fourthly, ln that he is God as well as man, (as you have heard) tl fore furely he mull needs be able. If it had been pollible his Father lh~uld 1~re.1~ke him! ~she complained he did afford him _no fuccour, no fupport; but le::; Inm to lumfdf: Nay, doh IS utmcfl a&am!\.him, and make known the power of Ius wrath, as mdeed hedi~; \YhY he IS able to uphold himfdf, for the tulnefs of the Godhead dwels bodily ~n htm, Cotoj. 2, 9· Mark it,. Hebath not only fame gifts_ of t~e Godhead, or vtrtue from the Godhead dwellmg m him, and fo fu _ portJOg htm, but the fulnefs of the Godhead 1t felf; and this not lodging the~e as a friend or fojourner, but knit to, and re!ideing in' him, as a Houlholder for ~ver, that Will be fure to keep polfellion for ever, ~nd fa nearly knit as that God– l)ead and Manhood make one perfon; [Bodily,] that is, Perfonally ·~ As Amma by Hehraifm figmfies Perfon. So humane Nature and God make one Perfon There(ore he having_power mull put it forth to the utmofl to preferve humari~ Nature frotn fmkmg 10 thiS bufinefs,_and all muU fmk if· it link. No\v, One of his names, lfai. 9· 7· is, that he is the Mighty God. Why, Firfl 1 He mull fulfil all Righteoufnefs, it becomes us ( fays Chrifi) to fulfil all Righieoufnefs, of Moral Law, and Ceremonial, Matt. 3· I 5'· why and that is lean of all, fortlus Angels 10 Heaven perform; and Chri!t if he had been but a meer man, filled with all grace as he was, Joh11 I; 16. would have done that,having the Spirit fo without meafure,JohiJ J-14· Only this, if he had been a meer Man, it had not been a Righteoufnefs fuf!icient and able to mediate for us, for it would but have jufiified himfelf, there mufi therefore be a further abi– lity than any Creature bath to go to this. But he being God alfo, and therefore Lord of the Moral Law, as he is faid to l?.,e Lord of the Sabbath, and fo not fub. jcd: to the Law ; that he lhould take on him the form of a Servant to the Law and be made-under the Law, who made and gave it, Gal-4- 4· and become obe~ client to every tittleofit, as he did; this made that ad:ive Righteoufnefs of his ofinfinite valuable to mediate for us: Thereforei1e is called Jehovah our Rigbu: oufnefs. Seconply, As he mufl be able to do and fulfil the Law thus, (o to fuffer alfo, for H<b.2. 1o. He is made rzperfe8 Saviour thror1gh Julfrrittg; and then fays Chrifi, I jballht p<rfe8ed, and withoutjhedding of Mood th<r< is 110 rtmif!io11, He". q, 24He cannot fave a man unlefs he die, but mufi enjoy Heaven alone. Johll u. 1-4- Vnl<{s a Cor11 of wbrat f aO into the Ground m1d die, it remains alone; So Chrifl if he had not died : and being God he could not indeed, but being man, He would ealily enough do that, (you will fay,) nothing ea!ier than to die. But yet, ifhis death be a mediating death,he mufi be able to offer up himfelfin death, be his own Sacrifice, Altar, Priefi,' and borrow nothing,and all at once; and that no Creature could. But now being God alfo, he was able to offer up himfelf, needed no other Priefi, Hd,. 9· '4· Through the Eternal Spirit he off<red 11p himfelf; yra rmdfind a Sacrifia alfo himfel[, offeri•Ig 11p his body, Heh. Io. 10" /111d his Soul alfo an ojfm!1g[or(in [/rugling under the wrath of God, ljai. 5'3· 10 . Tea a11d hohr Altar himfelf, Heb. 'l• IJ· But Thirdly,There is abu!inefs of greater difficulty yet behind,that exceeds the power ofany Creature, yea ofall, whichwill draw out the power of God indeed; and that is, That he mufi rife again as a Conqueror over death , overcome Hell and God's wrath, and not ly wre!\ling under them to Eternity; for till then God's wrath would not be fatisfied, for if he had lain by it, and been kept in prifon, then it had been a fign the debt was not paid. If ever therefore he will ju!\ify us by his death, he mufi ovqcome and rife again, or elfe we lhould be .f/ill itJ our fins, tCo>·. I).q.And this no Creature could everdo;God's wrath would have held them tugging work to Eternity,and they could never have rifen again, nor fiir'd; he that overcomes that, mufi be as flrong as God himfelf,yea and he mufl do this himfelt~ by his own power too. 'Twere not enough to be raifed up as Laza~tu was,by the power of another;That will not ferve: For that power that raifed him muit firil fatisfy and overcome God:s Wrath and break open the Pnfon Doers. Now,