1\2 A SERMON on Firll, Wher~as God had a Bond againft us, ColoJJ 2, I5' :-rill that w"' difcharged we_ mull he by It. He hath d1fcharged that Debt, pa~d an equivalent R.antom to 1t, dv7fhV7 6 ,, 1 Ttm.2.6. and can·celled that Bond, Cotoj[.2. 1 l• And whereas wl! were to die, Bodies andSouls, he offered both his Body, He6. IO.Io. and alfo his Soul, as anoffrr111gfor Sm, !{at.) l. 1 o. and pot<rtd it out to death, v. I 2. whereof the two Elements of BreadandWilte,. are S1gns and Seals to us, though both conveymg on_e and the fame whole Chnfi; yet reprefcnted to us as having his Body broken m the Bre:Jd, and Ius Soul poured.out m the Wi1u · the Life or Soul lying in the Blood, it figni6ed the fuffe~ing of his ·Soul; Whfch Sacrific' being ojfertdr;p by the Eterttal Spmt, ( that 1s, the Godhead,) who \Vas botli Prtejl and Altar, Htb.g.•4· therefore.Jan8ifed the Gt{t or Samfce, as the Al– tar d1d, Matt. I j. I7· and therefore bewg the Blood of the Son of God, it cleanf tthfroma/J ~i11, I Joh, I. 7· Yea, and fo perfect a Satisfaction is it, that he needed to do 1t but o•1ce, Heb•. I o, 1 4· By 011ce ojjering he perfeRed for ever– them that are fan8tfitd; that IS, purchafed a per:ect peace and final difcharge . and that fo perfect, that God cloth herewith not only reft.fatisfied , but alfo find~ a fweet frne/liug favor;r, Eph.,.2. fo as the fcent of Sill cannot come up into his Noftrils: Secondly, He hath fulfilled all the at!ive Rigbttotljnefs of the Law, (for fo indeed it .beemm him who is ottr High Prifff, who is holy, b,;rm!e('s, tmdefiltd ~c. Hrb.7.26.) So when he was to lay down his life, and pay the Iall Sum and Part of the payment, l-Ie fays, Joh. I7+ I havefnijht the work thou gavefl m~ to do; and'loh.8.29. I do a/watts the thil1gs thatpleafe thee; and, 1 camowt tode~roy the Law, btlt tofulfil it, even everyUtaof it. For (fays he, Matt. l· r5. ) fpeal<ing of the neceility of his being Baptized, which was a branch of Righteoufnefs, Suffer it to be fo, for it becomes tu t!Jits to fulfil all RighteouF nefs, namely, nece!fary for Jufiification', which I add, becaufe fome parts of the Law he had no occalion to fulfil; as not the duty of a Husband to a Wife, nor of a Father to a Child, becaufe they were not compatible with his condition and office of Mediarodhip; and which are rather duties of a particular fiate and condition of life, than of the nature of Man in general, which he undertook for: That therefore, as we fay, it was not nece!fary he fhould in his PaiiiveObe– dience take on him the feveral perfonal Infirmities and Difeafes, which befal Men, bur only thofe which are common to Man's nature, as I-lrmger, Stiep, e§c. which he did. So is it in his Active Obedience alfo: It was not nece!fary thus particularly to fulfil every fuch branch as is but Perfonal; though all 'thofe he did perform more eminently, in a more tranfcendent manner, as the duties of a Husband and aFather to his Spoufe and Children, the Church. And beftdes, as in his Pailive Obedience he underwent the fubflance of thofe pains we were to undergo ; but was not bound to all the Circumftances, as of Eternity, and of the place in Hell,&c. So, nor in his Active Obedience was he bound to perform the occafional Duties, which arc but Circumfiances to Man's nature, ordivcrftfied by feveral conditions in this World. It was enough he per– formed, the fum and fubftance of loving God and MJn in that eminent manner he did; . Love bemg, for fubfiance, the fu!fillmg of tht Law. And rhus it was impoilible but that he lhould fulfil the whole Law, Had he been mecr Man, then indeed there might have been room for a Suppofttion, That being a Creature, he might have failed; but being God, he could not, .'lam. I, 1 l· and therefore not fatl in performing any part of it. Which Obedi– ence and fulfilling of the Law being-performed by One, who till he took Man's nature on him, was no way fubject to it; and then alfo was Lord of the Law, as of the Sabbath, may be accepted for us, and we faved by it: fo as the Righ· teot~fiu(s of the Law is faid to be fulfilled i1J us, Rom.8.4,5· And that he bath fully performed both thefe, is evident by this; That 11ow Hr fits at tl·e right hand of God, which is the dcmonfirarion brought by the Apoftle, Heb,ro.r 2. that he hath done whatever was rcqwfite to perfect and confummate our Peaceand Reco~tciliatio11, as v. r4• For, fays he, after Ins offer– ing that his Sacriljce, fie fat down at tbe Right hm1dof God, or tbe Mrzjefll. oil btgb.