Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

------- C 0 L 0 S S. I. 2 o. high. Now it is certain, he had. never come thither if he had not paid the Debt; God would never have fuffered him; For he muf/ h,we lam m Pnjo" tzll he had paid tbe fltmojl Mite. But now being got out of Prifon, as lfizi. fpeak•, Chap. 53· 8. Andfet downo11 God's right hand thert itz Heaven·; furely he hath pa1d the Debt, and if he could have broke loofe and got thither, yet in Heaven he would not fray, unlefs he had performed it; thither would the wrath of God purfue him,and there arrefr him and feizeon him ; for when A dam llad finned, l'aradife could not hold him; nor would Heaven hold Chrifr if he owed God any thing, therefore fays Chrifr,]ohn I6. IO. bringing it as an eviderice ofhis Rigb– teoufr~efs all fufficient, and to co11vmce the world of it; I go to my Fatber, mzd y·e jball fee me 110 more; if it had been otherwife, his Father would not have re– ceived him, but fent hirrt down agen. ' And by this his both Active and Pallive obedience, through the acceptation of his Perfon, who performed It, he hath compleated the work of Reconciliatiort with his Father; which conlifring of Peace and Good will, (that is, being paci– fied towards us, and re~eiving us into favour again,) as the parts of it; thefe two main parts ofobedience lerve to procure and confummate both. his Blood procureth Peace; foCo!oj: r. 20. Havi11gmade Peace tbro~<gh the Blood of his Crofs; that is the firfr, But yet, becaufe when Peace is made, the party may faY', Though I am at peace and Pardon the Traitor, yet I can never love him a' gain, or receive him into favour, as I was wont; therefore his active Obedience, through the favour of the perfon petforming it, procures the manifefration of good will alfo, to make us compleat and perfect friends. Therefore to Rccon~ cile, in that 1. Colt. 20. is made more than limply to make peace; Peace is but the foundation of it, For havillg made pe.1ce, to recotJcile us, (.!ic. fays the Text ; and the Blood of his Crofs goes to make peace; this other ferves to refrore us to his loft favour, tO make us accepted; tllld aa fhrollgh him. Therefore t~ere lies the Emphalis, as ye may obferve It m that 1 Colojs. :to. By(him !fay;) It comes in twice there. Therefore Fifthly, Add to all this, There is a fulnefs of Acceptation of the Per[oll with God, who performed all this: For he that brings Creatures into fa– vour, mufr be more beloved than a Creature; and in matters of Mediation, the chief thing lies in the gracioufnefs of the Mediator with his Interefr in the party offended; and if either his Love or Money will procure full friendfhip for us, he will ufe both. His Money (you fee,) is paid, he hath laid it down, a fuffici' ent price; and be!ides, he is infinitely beloved of his Father; fo as for his fake he cannot but accept it, and love us again through him, better than ever. For Prov. 8. He is his Old Frimd, atJd Anciellt Compmzion, ver. 30. evetJ before the World wa-s, his Oll/y begottm So11, 11ot by Wzll bttt Nature, the very {ttbj/mt• tia! Image of his PerjorJ, He6. '· 2. In whom therefore he cannot but delight, and be well pleafed, as he himfelf from Heaven bath faid, This is m;· /;e/ovrd Sollillwhom 1 amwe!lpleajed; - notwithhimonly, but in him with others; for therefore he bids us hear him and believe in him: and if it had not been, that he is well pleafed with us in him, it had no way concerned us. Therelore iri 1 Epbef. 9· we are faid to begraciou!ly acceptrd ill him, as the 6eiovrd one of hi> Father, as it is there. And tho he fccretly bore good will to us before, yet in this his Be!ovrd, he hath Made us grocioufly "ccepted, made way for owning us, and lhineing gracioufly upon us, in and through him; whereas without him, he ·would never have afforded us one good look; . And thomA damwe were beloved, having his [mage in us in him, yet infi– nitely more in ChriO:, R om. )· I7. We rectivt ab:mdrmce of Grace rmd Rigb– teott{tzefs mzd life i11 Clinf/; and therefore fays ChriO:, Johll ro. 1o. I came 1h.zt they might have life, a11d that they mz:~ht bave it more a6wzda1Jtly. It is a de– gree of comparifon, and therefore with that former !late of life we once had ; they lhall have all that life, (and God's favour is our life,) they once had, and more abundantly. In that 5"• Rom. '7· hef]1eaks comparatively with ouicflatc in. Adam; and feems to make this the fruit of that jabundance of Grace and Righteoufnefs that we receive above what in Adam we fl10uld , that we lhall reign in life, be Kings in Heaven, to which place his Righteoufi1efs would not Q ha,·e