Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

C 0 L S S. I. 2o. He is not one that will be filent whilfi he-lives, never hold his peace till he l!ave peace. If mry Mmtfin ajttr tht imputntto1l of. that Righttottfnefs, we have (faith he,) an Advocate with the Fathtr; If Sm, and .tlle Dev1l, who is Sins Advocate, plead againfi us, yet we have Chrifi our Advocate, who never took any caufe in hand wherein he was f01kd; and th1s With the Father, both his and ours; who is therefore ready to hear his Children pleaded fo~ by fuch a Son. And if the Blood of dead A6dcries, !hall not the Blood of hvmg Chnfl fpeak louder l If the fin of Adam now he is long tince dead, would to eternity con– tinue to condemn men born of him, (if it might be fuppofed, generation might !aft to fternity,) one Man after another, and never have any !lint; and !hall not the Righteoufnefs of himwho is alive for ewr more, Rev, x. I 8.. be of force tO' difpel the guilt of all the Sms (that can be fuppofed to be commmed,) even to Eternity. See how the Apoflle a1gues it, Rom.p o. If whi!nyt were Entmirs, J'' werf rtconciltd6y hu dtnth, much morefbalt wt 6t fnved 6y hu ltft. He argues frolll the lefs to the grea-ter; and the comparifon is double. t. His death and life arc compared together. And t. Our !late before Reconciliation and after. Ji after we had gon on many years, in a !late of Enmity and Rebellion, and yet were made friends through the !lrength of his mediation; and all th~t Enmity forgot– ten and pardoned; then being made friends, it is eafier for Chrifi to keep us fo, and to get our fins llill pardoned to the end of our days. And if his death was of force enough to reconcile you then; m~chmore .being now alive, and fo able to put life into the merit of his death, will he be able to keep God and you friends; and therefore fays he, in the 6th, Chap. gth. vtr. having faid at the 5th. That w~ are plallttd into the liktNtfs of his Re(i~rrerfion; he makes the likenefs and fimi– litude to hold in this, knowing That Chri~bti11g raiftd from tht dead dieth 110 mort, 'Death bath 11omore 'Dominion over him, for i11that he died, ht died tmto fin once, (he had not died but for Sin, .and then needed die but once for it,) 6ut ifl that he Jiveth, helivrth unto God; Liktunfe (fays the Apoflle ver, u.J YtckonytyottrJllvts alfo d~adu11tofin, andalive unto God, through Jtjiu Chnjl, Make accountthat when Chrifi is out of favour, then you may be; when he is Damned, you may. But he liveth ev~r, fo !hall you; for by that one death he hath perfed:ed for ever them thatare Sanrfijitti. VSE. Now the cornmoR ufe, or Corollary from both thefe, what God has done, and what fulnefs dwels in Chrifi, is this, That certainly there i• peace and reconcilia– t.lon to be had and obtained with God by Sinners and Enemies to him; and this, my Brethren, is the pitch, the Marrow of the Gofpel; fuch news, that as foon as it burfi out, Heaven and Earth rang with joy again. The Angels could not hold, but as being ambitious to be the relator. of it, polled down to Earth to bring the firfl news of it, Lukt 2. I 3, '4· Pence 011 Earth, good wilt towards Me;t, Though you can hear it, and be no more moved than the feats you fit up– on; yet when it was firfi preached, it brought in Men by Troops, as Volunta– ries, more than the Law bad done. Lu!te I6. 16. The Law and tht Prop'bets wert ti/J John ; hut ji11ce tbe Kingdom of God (that is the Gofptl,) is Preach– ed mtdevtry man prtJfeth into it. Ilut now, Alafs! We that are daily ufed to the tidings of it; how little are wo movedwithit/ Howfewcomeinupon proclamation made of it! And theref6lfe we are fain to make it the greatefl of our bufines to p~each the Law, and come with that great Hammer to break your bones m p1eces firfi, that we may then preach the Gofpel. as it is Jfai. 62 To the Captives, a11d to bind 11p tht 6rolren hearted, mtd fo to make our ftlvts work; and this we count our mifery. Yea , and this we profefs before you all this day, we tremble moft when we come to preach it; for we are afraid that Men !hould frill go on, and ly in their fins; which if they do,they had well mgh as good have been in Hell, as in the Church to hear it; becaufc God may be provoked to fwear againfi them, that they lhall never enter into his Refi. · Yet