Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

v6 A SERMON on Yet becaufe a ntceu,cy "Ja,d cpun us, no, \O preach onI), but to preach the Gofpel ; and that all that are brought home to God, mull have the knowledge of u. I return to enlarge and preb theUfe menrwned, and lhcw rhe commex– ion of it with what bath b«n uehvcrtd, and how 1t flows from it. Reconciliation, I fay, furely may be obtained. Firf\ becaufe God the Father fo f\rongly purpofed and intended it for fome. therefore furely it may be had, for he will never go back or alter any refolutio~ he bath fo percmtonly taken up; yea tho he had not m,ade ]mown that his pur– pofe to us his Creatures ; For be is 11ot M mrm that he fbould repent ; he lhould be confcious to h1mfelf of 1mperfcchon 1f he d1d: And he fwort (as I told you ) and wottldtwt repe11t from everlfljlwg, and uow he h.•th mfldt kuow11 tbts wh1~h he pmpofed i111Jimfelj, Eph'f 1. 9· Secondly,. His delights were in it,. and therefore are in it fiili, his greatef\ and firongef\ deh&hts: tho we poor fra1l Cr_eatures alter our delights daily , (for indeed our dehghts do anfe out of alteration and vanety,) ye[ he can never alter his; but what he delighted in once he delights in fiill ; and furely it the thoughts of makmg us fnends atorehand pofTeiTed !us heart fodeeply and fo long, much more now when he !hall come to the performance and execution of it, agd to re– concile us aCtually; to fee that done, the thoughts of which fo pleafed him. Do we think that fuch thought$ fo deeply fet and fed with delight can vanin1 or befor– gotten? Surely No_. It is .the day h~ longs for,which he bath feen a coming and rejoyced tn, and fa~d 10 lumfelf, lfhm wz/J zt be? ]fY. I l· lafl, And m the !hewing Mercy and difj>enfiog it, I do delight, f•yshe, .Jer.9. 24N" re– quef\ therefore or fuit pleafeth him fo or agrees m~re wit!). his heart than fu– ing torMercy and Pardon and to be friends with him;he is grieved when he is hin– dred by our 1mpenitency from enjoying his delights. And then, T hirdly, He fpalte to his Son himfelf, unbefpoke to by us, and made known his mind to l11m, and called and annointed him to this work, and with the great– en vehcmency, when he fwore concerning him, tbat ht jhoutdbt a Priefl; and having expre!Ted fo much ferioufnefs, as then he did to him, whe11 he fwore and Ja1d he would 1101 upent, Hrb, 7· 21. For his Gifts and Calling and Oaths are Without repentance. And Fourthly, In that his Son did as willingly undertake .it, and now bath alfo undergone it; ·and aCovenant having patTed between them, he is mud1 more en– gaged to acctpt it. For to what end did he trouble his Son to come down from Heaven, and to take our lhameand frailties, and to die? What, in vain? As the Apof\le elfewhere argues, Gal. 2. !aft. What, to fpeJ1d his !\rength for nought? As l{tzi. 49· 4A lhame it were to take fuch a journey to no purpofe. No, God made him a promife, lffli. 5l· 10, 11. That ht jboutd fee bisfeed, mtd fee the travel ofhJS Sotd,a11d he jhort!d bt j'ati.<fied;(or m,.Righteous Servrmt /hall jujlzjyma11y; and this becaufe he underwent fo much griefand forrow fo willing– ly; as it is in the former part ofthe Chapter: and the joy of this was it made him Qodergo it fo willingly,lir6.I 2.2. For the)'!Y tbat WtM jtt before h1m. And that h is joy was this, That bejhould pro!011g bii days, and tho' he died in the Travel, yet he lhould fee the travel of his Soul; and as a Woman, rho' !he be in great pains, yet her joy is, That a MmtChi!d is born into tbt World; fo it w:>s with Chrif1, thatma,.yjhou!d 6rjujlifid6y him, as it follows there; fornothingelfe will fatisfy Chrif\. A11d thflt ht jhon!d divide thejpoil wllh tbt[lro11g, vrr.12, Becau(e he powred o11t his Sottl to 'Death; that is, He trittmphtd over Hell aud 'Drath, mzd zn the conqttrflJpoi!ed Pri11cipalitiei aud Pown·s, and obtvwrd Hwvm mzd evtr!a{li11g Rigbttott[iztji, by which he.himJr!f was not made thr richer, eod therefore allows him to divide it and give it away to others. And God confiaereth alfo how that in this work he was his Servant, My Rtghttotts Servant (faith he,)fba/Jjuflijj many;and he was hi; Servant.,did hi! buftndsi~ it: nnd !hould he have no wages, nor reward? Yes,the onty reward which he fe~ks for,