Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

C 0 L 0 SS. J. 2o. for, is the falvation and jollification ofhis EleCt; and thofe God hath given him. Ifai. 62. 1I. Whnt Zioll zsJaved, mtd huJaivattoll of them cometh, it is added; that his reward JS with him,rmd bJS wo•·h 6tfore htm; that brmg the rew,Jrd of hi& work; an.d I{ai. 49· 4· when Chrifi complained, That i11 regard of Ijrart, (that is the _'lews,) I havem ammmerJpmt myflrmgthi~t vam,Jo fewo{them are called, that my rrward audworh is wllb my God, togive me wages. And what is that? ver. 6. I wit/give ther for t1 Light to the GeutiJes, mid tbat thou mayefl be my jatvatio11 to tbr ends of the Eorth; And I have heard thn ;,, mt acaptab!etime; And I wit/give thee for a Covmant tothe Ge~ttiJ-s, to Jtty to the Pri(o11en, Go JYee. This is God's Anfwer to him there. Fourthly, It is the Duty of Chrift, 'if I may fo fpeak with reverence,to bring Men in, .'fohn I o. And as to him, fo to us he bath manifefted fo much, by all means poflible to affure men of his willingnefs to be reconciled to them , if they will be fo to him; to affure us he hath engaged himfelf by all means pofli· ble. And unto all thefc fecret engagements in his own heart, and to his Son, we may now add, all the profe!Ted publications of his mind herein to us, which he hath made upon all occafions, and by all means poflible. As, Firft, He bath publilhed this News by all Three Perfons. Fir!\, himfelf to Adam;,, Paradtjf; and renewed it again and again, with his own immediate voyce fromHeaven,This is my wellbetoved So11 mwhom I am wellpteafed;which wr heard, ( fays Peter,) cmd is no fabte. Secondly. Chrift, Who is the faithftJJ mtd trtte Wit11e{s, Revet. I• He came from ,thc bofom of his Father; and as he died Johe preachedpeace, Ephef.2.I7• and it was one of the lirfi Texts he preached on. Luke 4· I 8. The .Spirit of the Lord is upon me, becaufe he hath Amtoi11trdme to Preach the Go[pet, to Preach detiverance to thr Captzves. Thirdly, The Holy Gho!l bearing witnefs, God bath exalted him togive Re-· pentance·andforgivmefs of fins, At1s )· 3I, 32· and fo Hrb•. 10.. I6. Theft are the Three wit11eJJes 111 Htavm, I .'fob" 'i· 7· and thetr record ts thts, That there is life to bt hadm his Son, ver. I 1. And if we receive the willlejs of Mm, the witt~tjs of God isgreater.; a11d he that beiteves 11ot this, maks God a Jyar, becat1je ht believts 'lOt the record that Godgave of his So11. And Fourtnly, He hath publilht it alfo by all Creaturesreafonable, and to all · Creatures reafonab!e. Firft, The Angels, they came and preached Peact on Earth, good wilt to-. WtJrds 111(11, Lukt 1. · Secondly, ToMmhehathgivmgiftspowerftzlattdfutJof Gtory, Ephef4·~· f!ic. and a Commiflion, moft\arge and gratious; toteJJ Mm, that God was il; Chnf/ reco11ci!i1tg the World, 2 Cor 'i. 20, Yea, · Thirdly, And he hath maintained this Minifiry in all Ages, all times ring with ~:he ne \VS of it: The World is as full o,f thefe.his Embaff~dors now'as ever. And thefe ly as Leiger Ambalfadors, to treat with Men about this peace; to'proclaim <that he is fully willing, and upon that ground to bcfeech Men to be reconciled; aRd fo long as Leiger Embaffadours ly in a place and are not fent for away, fo long the treaty of peace holds. · Fourthly, He hath done this by them in all places; he has bidden them, Go and Prer1ch it to alltbe Wortd, to everyCreatttre, Mark I6. and accordingly his Difciples did preach it, and had done it i.n Pmzt's time, Cotof. 1. 6. And thi' openly, Wtjdom cries without, utters her Voice i11 the flreets, and cries in the chiefptaces of'Coucollrfe, Prov., I. .2I. Chrifi cries his Riches attheCrofs; cares not who hears it, yea, would that all lhould know it, and he wculd not have it fpok~ fo openly and generally, if .he were not moll ferious in it: A~tdif it were 11ot Jo, hr wotttd have totdyou. Fifthly, He bath deolared it by all means elfc that may argue ferioufnef•. Firfi, 117