120 A SERMON on For Anfwer to this. Not to meddle with the Controverfy of the Univerfali_– ty of Chrift's Death and God's Love, in this place at this time: But let all this be granted. Firft,Let me d~al with you upon that fuppolition,that it might prove uncertain in regard of particular Elecl:ton; and convmce you what ftrong Incentives there are for you to feek it, alhhis fuppofed. J. U~lefs thau didficertainly know that thou lhould'fi certainly mifs of it, and until God declares thou art none of the number, fo long there is hope con– cerning this thing; there~ an [It may be,] which is as much as we find many Promrfes expre!led m, as Zeph. 1.. ~· fo JoeJ 2. Heexhorts them tottwn to him ttlith their w hole heart, for he isgraciosu, t!>c. And who l<noweth if he will turn and repent and leave a Blciling behind him? If it be no more, God ex– peds you ihould mrn upon this; t~1is hol?emay quicken you, and ftir you to cafi your felves upon hrs free Grace,feemg rt rs m hrm; to refer your felves to his Mer– cy, depending upon him in the ufe of all means ; Let ."' ttmJ (fay the poor Nit~Cvites, who therefore wrll nfe up rn Judgment agamft thee, ) for who ems teJJ but the Lord may reprnt of the evil ? .A11d God did Jo, Jonah ~· 9, 10. There might be a Door of efcaping, .And they were thought Prifoners ~rt of hope; Zach. g. 12. and venture the}" would for a Pardon, though they did not know certatnly that they lhould obtarn rt. But, 11. Suppofe yet Further, more unlikely than likely, that thou fbouldefi fpeed in thy fuit; yet conlidering it is a cafe of abfolute neceility to feek out for recon– ciliation and peace, there is a !lrong ground to move thee to feek out for it; and fpend the utmofi of thy endeavours to attain, and think it an infinite Mercy,that it is not declared to be abfolutely impoilible for thee. In cafe of abfolute neceility, we fee men weigh not impoilibilities; but do put themfelves and all their endeavours upon a venture, tho' the bulinefs be very uncertain. · · For Example. Men being prelfed to the Wars, tho it be ufually certain that fome lhall dy; and thofe in all probability, who light in the fore front , or ven– ture upon fome defperate piece of fervice; yet it being necelfary for them to ua– dertake that fervice which is commanded upon pain oflife, and there being fome poilibility they may efcape; it may fallout fo. In this cafe they are content to hazard and venture themfelves; therefore alfo why not much more in this cafe, fhouldefi not thou, tho there were more unlil<elyhocid'that thou fhouldefi not obtain, than that thou fhouldefi? To give another alfo, 2 Kings 7• H · Two Lepers, they rea{o11ed with them{e!ves, If we enter into the Cay, thm the Fa– mille bei11<~ m the City, wefha!J dy there; if wefit here we dy a!fo. Come Jet M f all iuto the Camp of the .Aramitn; if they {ave our livu wefha!J tivt, aiJd if thq ki!J tM we are 6ut dead. Thus, in a cafe of necell'ity they chofe, that part, which tho it had many improbabilities in it; yet which might fall out otherwife, there was an lf might be made of faving their lives; and yet the mofi unlikely one ; for they did·not know but that the .Aramites might be refolved to cut off all the Jews, and fpare not a Man alive; and if they meant toJpare any, yet of all.others, (they might well think,) they would cut off them; becaufe being Leprrs , they were unfit for fervice and employment; and might infed the Camp. And fuppofe this were thy cafe, that of all others thou wert moft likely n?t to obtain mercy; that thou a Perfecmor or Contemner of Grace,&c. fhouldefi rn all prob2bility be cut off; yet there being fame poilibility; in a cafe of fuch nece– lity come in and venture thy felf. And the neceffity is greater for thee'; for the Lepers there might be fuppofed fame Miraculous way of prefcrving them; but for thee no other at all; God bath no other, And the death the L eper fhould dy, bothonewayandtheother, would be alike ; but if thou feekefi not, thou wilt dy a worfe death. But, Ill. In