Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A SERMON on,&t. fore ye !hall find, that the Revelation, which writes of the !late of the Ghurch, under the New Tefiament, alludes to paffages in the Old, to fltcW that the Old was but a type of what was to be done under the New, as they had an Eg;pt and aSodom,fowe have a worfeEgypt andSodom,which is fpiritually calledSodom ond Egypt. And as they bad a Ba6ylo11 that oppreffed the Church,fo we have a worfc L?,sby/on,viz.Rome,thatyerfecuteth the Saints.They which ar~ acquainted with the bleffed Book (as bleffed JS he that readnh zt) !hall find tbts to be true. Again,The time of No,1h is but a type of what !hall be,before the World endcth; Mns }haU eat and dri11k, and 6e gJVm in marriagt, and as the Flood came upon tbcm,fo Firt and Brimjlo11t !hall come upon mens beads in the end.Thus the !aft d<1ies are the p~rfection of Time. Th_efc are penllous umes, where men are mofi wicked; and as they are the worfi dates, fo they are the be!\ daies in thofe that are good. Take them therefore which way you will,and they are the perfection of daics. Thirdly, They are called the /.;jl daies, becau_fe ,.e mufi not look for any more alteration or change of thmgs m the World, m regard of God"s revealing himfclf. \Vhen the law was given there was an alteration made, there being a Covenant made under Types; but when Chrifi comes he tells us He6.t2.26,27. Yet o.ce mort I Jhakt not tht Earth only, but a!fo Heaven. The Apofile fpeaks it in regard of an alteration of Doctrine, that our Saviour Ckrifl was to bring into the World; he was to abohlh the former Types, and to bnng m new Forms, new Sacraments, Spiritual Worlhip. He !hook the Heavens, whofe Voice Otook the Earth when he gave the law. And this word, 1et once·mort fignifieth the removing of thofe things that are lhaken, as of things that are made; he pull'd the World of the Ceremonial Law about the .1ews ears, and !hook it all down, That thd{t things wbich cmmot 6e fhakflliJ1tlJ re111ain. That R.eligion which is now efiablilhed in the Church, and thofe Truths which are revealed to us, there will be no alteration in them; the Gofpel is eternal, and it will eternally remain. Fourthly, They are called the laf/ daies, becaufe in the end he will !hew us, that tbefe la!\: daies !hall have an end. He puts his People in comfort with this; for they are not called the J,,Jl tlaits, becaufe the Day of Judgment !hall prefently <ome, for it is 16oo years ago fince he called them the tajl daiis; but to OteW that thefc daies in the end will end, thefe daies I fay of fin and wicked– nefs, and oppreffion of the Church, the Angel in ·the Revelatio11 fwears, that Timejhall6e no mort. The time will come when the HeavensjbaU 6etJO more ; and if not the Heavens, which are the mcafure of Time, that fpins out time, much lefs Time. 'Uje 1. Lzftup)'Our btads therefore, for)OUr redtmptiDII draweth 1Jigh. It is 11i_g/Jtr than when ye fir ]I helitvtd; thefe daics will have an end, and the longer you live, and tile more you grow in grace, the nigher you are to the end. The Apof\le ufcth this as an encouragement, we ·!hall not alwaies flay for the Day of Judgment, every day fpends upon it. Thofe that have been in Heaven, as A6t!, that have been there for fo many Thoufand years, have !\aid a long time for the Day of Judgment; but our R.edemption is nigh, we are fallen into the laff daiu. V(t 2. We lhould provoke one another fo much the more, becaufe thefe are the laf/ daies, He6.10:25· exhort one another to be more faithful in the Word, becaufetheyare the/aft dain. The Devil, the lhorter his time is, the more he rages, and therefore feeiRg thefe are the !aft daits, the nigher the day approach· eth, the more lhould we endeavour to do God fervice. And we that live in thefe la!\: daies, are fo much the more engaged to do this, becaufe God out of the riches of his Patience bath futfered thiS wicked World that is lof\ unto him, to f\and fo long, that we in thefeJaf\ times might be brought forth, he bath built a World, and before that we came on it, there were many Stages removed. He bath born with many wicked men before us, that at the laf\ thefe laff daies may come wherein he bath !'cill a People to bring home unto himfclf. A man that goes to a Fair or Market, and hath fet up a Shop, and took little for the whole day, defires and expects Cuf\omers to come in at laf\; he hath been at the . pain!