HEB. l.1,2. [ Ht h,zth in lhtjt lafl daysJpokmtmto tu6y his Son.] The general Obfervation from hence is this. . Thflt our co11d1ti01t u11dtr tht New Teflament, is much 6etttr thm1 thors u11dtr theOtd. • So that though they be here called Fathers, yet they are elfewhere called Childrm, Galat. 4Blefledare the Eyrs th.rt [et the things, ~c. therefore ourtimes are better, Firfi, In regard of the things revealed they are more and more excel· lent. Secondly, The things revealed ro them were not fo clearly revealed, neither did rhey fo clearly underfiand rhem, 1 Pet. 1.1 o. n. The Prophets are there fa id, To enquire 6y Prayer, [e.:Jrch6y R:adi•zg, ~!le. concern ng the glory which thouId follow upon the fuffenngs of Chnfi; when many glonous truths were to be reveal6d unto rhe Church, and all thatrhey could get after their enquiry, was rhis, that 11ot unto them 6ut unto us, they did minifler the things 1()hich are now reporttd, €!le. That is, they _in their own writings did reveal many things u~tq us, which they themfelvesd1d not underfiand, therefore Matt. q. 'i· 1t1s fa1>!, That Chrifl taught thi11gs which had6un ktpt focrtt from the 6cgi1ming of tht World. Tl;lirdly, As in regard of Knowledge, fo in regard of Grace, our rimes are more excellent, there being a greater difpenfation of Grace now, rhan there was unckr the Old Tefiament, Zach. 12. 8. The fu6le fhai!Je as Vavid, that is, fo great an imp.rovement there !hall be when Chrift thall come, that the fee– ble under the New, !hall be as thofe that were ftrongoft under the Old. Vfe r. Labour then to make this good in your lives: Look unto the f-loly men in the Old Tefiament, and confider, there is more Grace expected of you (as there .is more Grace promifed to you) than there was to them ; therelore labour to thew it in your lives. . · Vfe 2. If our cond>tion be better iA regard of knowledge and grace , then we may well content our felves though it be outwardly worfe. Many of them had great profperity joyned with their profellion of the Truth, as we fee in A6raham and Vavid; though we want this and fuffer perfecution , yet let us be content, becau(e our Spiritual condition makes us amends, even as the times of the Gofpel hath brought forth more Grace and Knowledge, fo more Perfe– cutions than ever were in the time of the Law, as Butcherings in the Primitive times. 1 Now we will thew, wherein our condition is better than theirs; and it is bet· ter in Three regards, as it is implied by the oppofition in the Texr. Firft, Under the Old Tefiament he fpake by piece-meal, now he bath fpo· ken all at once. Secondly, He did it obfcurely divers waies; but now he bath done it plainly and clearly, therefore our condition is better. Thirdy.Underthe Old Tefiament God fpake by Prophets, now by his Son. Firfl, Under the Old Tefiament he did it by piece-meal, now but once; therefore .7t•de, v. ~·4· calls it, The Faith o11a revtaled UIJto the Saim.r. Under the Old Tefiament the Fathers received Truths by retail, but we by whole-fate. yours is a new Edition of Truths come forth in Folip. ]oh11 r. The Apo!\le com: paringChrifl and Mofes, faith, The Law came by !Hafts, 6ut GrtJce a11d Trmh came by .1efiu Chrifl; that is, yours is fo much Grace, fo much Truth, that Mo. Jes revealed not, that hath been fince brought to light, which the corrupt Church of the Samaritrms had no inkling of, John 4-25. where though the Woman was ignorant of many things, yet !he referred it to the times ot" the Me(!iJJ, who, wlmz he comr-s;-would ullthrm r~llthing.r. !11 him are hid all the Tre,z– _(ures of wi(dom and knowledge, ColojT:2, which Trcafures were then brought forth. Falfe-Teachers would have drawn them away by the knowledge of A11gtl!i and Philojop!J)',~c. No, faith the Apo1lle, fiudy Chrii!, f or i11 h1m Y"" uro