Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

HE B. 1. I,~· Ftrfl, Bow hr.j'peaks. &co11dly, Why hefpeal:s by his So11. Firft, How he fptaks, he is faid to fpeak by his Son. Firft as Chrift is the matter it felf delivered, therefore Rom r. it is called t ht Gojptt of Chrifl, b~caufe he is the Subject of it, whereas che Prophets were not the matter of what they delivemf. Secondly, Chrift himfe!f is the immediate fpeaker, he came from Heaven on purpofe to preach the Gofpel,, we had never had it elfe , and though he be not here bodily p>efent, yet he is·faid to preach unto this day, Ephtf. 2 . though he never preaciled at bphefu• in perfon,. for he was not fent, that is, eo preach, l111t to the loftJbup of tbt Hotljt of JiraeJ; Jet he preacht Reace not only eo tile Jews char were near, but alfo to the.Genttles that were alar off. And chat, Firft, Becaufe he brought the Gofpe! winch we dehver, to hght; it was Jpo– km firfl 6y the Lord, Heb. 2, and we in his ftead, 1 Cor 5· 20. Secondly, Becaukhe is with us Minifters in delivering of it to the end of the World; yea, Jefus Chrift h~th his Pulpit in Heaven, to this day; therefore it is faid, Rejit[e tiOI bim thatJpeaks from Heavm, Me6. 12, 25. Secondly, Why Godfpeaks by bis So11? Firfr, becaufe he is the word of pis Father ]ob11 r. 1. therefore he is a fit Mef. fenger to interpret his Fathers mind; as Chrift was his word in the Creation of the Old World, for by him were all things made, fo it was necelfary he !bould be his word likewife, in the Creation of the New. Secondly, He is tbe Wijdom ofthe Eather,and we all defire to have wrfe fpeak– ers, 'as Kings in P arliame11ts _choofe able Ji~akers_; therefore God chafe Chri!t his own W!ldom, to exprefs hts mmd that t ere mtght be no mtftake, bur th~t he lllight exprefs it, as fully as he himfelf wou .d do, Thirdly, He is the Idea and Platform of all truths; Mofes faw all in the Mount, and according to the Pattern he was to frame all things, herein he was a Type of that Prophet that was to be raifed up like himfelf, who had a Pattern of all in Heaven, Jolm ~·' •, q, What ever Chrifr fpeaks he fpeaks by experience, for he fpeaks nothing but what he bath feen, which no man could have fa id, for he muft have had them at fccond hand; but Chrifr had them immediately, for ' he !mew all the Counfels of his Father, being in his bofom, No man hathaji:md– ~d ttp into Heavm, bttt be tbat came dow11; that is, why do I tell you of Hea– venly things,but becaufe I came down fromHeaven,whicb no man elfe could have done. Fourthly, becaufe Chrift is next the Father, though the Holy Gho!t fee all things in the Father, yet Chri!t muft teach; this reafon is given by our Savi– our faying, Whm the Spint u come, bejhallleadthem i11to t1 fltrutbs, for be Jha/J not _{peak of bimfelf, 6ut foal/take of mme and (hall /bew zt tmlo them. Chrifr being next the Father,therelore came lir!t himfelfand fet all truths abroacl{ and then he tells them that the Holy Ghofr lhall come, and more clearly reveal to them what he had faid. Fifthly, Becaufe God would have his Son all in all, therefore there is no Office to be born, but he mufl bare it, not only to be our King and Pricft, but to be our Prophet alfo, and that not to fit in Heaven only, and give out trurhs,but to come down, and preach them to us. V(e r. If God now fpeak by his Son, then hear him, Thu i1 "'1 6eioved So11 he,gr him; If a King fent his Son Embalfador, lhall he not be heard, God ll3th now fent tbe Heir at !aft, faying, Surety they will revermce my Son; let us not therelore fend Chrift away without his errand, n;fufe not him that fpeaks from H eaven. V/e 2. We fee then the calling of the Miniftry is an honourable calling, Chri!t himfelf took it upon him, to be the Minifter of the Circomcifion. Gemlemens Sons fcorn to be Miniflers, but Chrift the Son of God did not. Vj'e ~· If God;peaks by hi< Son, and his fpeaking is better than of all the Pro– phets, then never reft till you hear Chrift fpeak to you ; you may hear the Mini– ller long enough, but labour to get Chrift to fpeok to your he~rts. T