A SERMON on,&c. U je4· Seeing GodJPeaks by hu Son, then calloo Man Rabbi upo11 Earth ad· diet your felvestono mans Opinion becaufeof the high e!leem you have ~f his Learning or Grace, let it be the DoCtrine of Chrifi before you entertain it, Matt. 2 3· and 1o. upon this ground Chri!l bids them catt no Man Rabbi. V(e 5· SeeitJg God hath JPoken in the laff days by his So11, therefore letyour ltlf/ w orks be better thmJyoiJrjirfl, Rev.2. 7•· If God will be daily a better Ma– l\er unto you,be you better Servants unto h1m, Vft 6. God JPeaking i11 the laf/ dqys by his Son; We fee that the more God reveals himfelf in Chrifr, the more clear if is; under the Old Tefiament they knew as much of God's Attributes as we, but to know all thefe over again, in Chrifi that ht u the power of God, and the Wifliom of God,(§(. This is the excellent knowledge, the World before Chri!t knew God in his Attributes,and irt his Creatures,fo fully that Phi!ofophy hath not been more perfed-ed ever ftnce ; yea Arif/ot!t revealed that to the World then, that they have been !tudying ever ftnce. Labour therefore to know God in Chrifi, What is the Reafon we have moregrace then they ? Bot becaufe we know more of Chri!l who reveals the Father; the knowledge of God the Father ftmply doth not raife a Soul; fo much :~s knowing of him in Chri!t, therefore he is faid to fpeak in a glafs by his Son, (that is,) clearly, 1. Cor. ~- r8. The