Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A SERMON on Thirdly,. He is faid to be an Heirto fhew that he is Lord of all things,for Heirs andDomm10ns, areallonemtheciVII Law,_ the He1nsfa~d to be Heir of all. Gat. l· r, 2. which is all one with the Phrafe, Him bath God made Lord alld Chrifl, A fl. 2. 36. Fourthly,To lhew that he is the Firft-born,he bath the primarie Title, and we are Heirs in him,therefore called Cohem,therefore it is faid in thePfatms, I wilt make myFirfl-bom higher thm the Kmgs ofthe Earth;his inheritance is founded upon thisthat he was the Fir{(.born in the Womb of God's Prede{\ination. Fifthly, Becaufe he lhall never be put by it, for it is an Inheritance and that is for ever; foolifh men that can give their goods but for a while: yet they write to him m1d !" hu Hors for eve~; but ~hri{\'s Inheritance is perpetu– al, he Will be He1r of Two Worlds, wuen thiSii burnt, and the writing of it w11l never be burnt, for lt IS wrmen wuhm the Record of God's decree in Heaven. · Why did God appoint him thus Heir of all things, Was it for himfelf? No for he had a natural right to all, but ~e was fo appointed, that he might be ab!~ to overrule all th1ngs for your falvat10n, thereJore hfe and death cannot feperato between them and him, becaufe he is Heir of all things, .7oh1117. 2, What a~ infinite mercy is this, that he fhould not only poffefs all things, but that Chri{\ fhould poffefs all for your fakes, therefore the Kingdom of Chri{\ is fa id to be a Spiritual Kingdom, becaufe it is to poffefs and rule all things for fpiritual ends for the good of his EI~Ct, Eph. 1. 22. he bath given him to be head of all, tha; he might be head to tile Church. . [ Chrif/ d1jfers from other Heirs.] Firft, Becaufe he is Heir of all the other Sons, other Heirs their Brethren are not put into their Inheritance, but Chri{\ doth inherit all things, his Bre– thren are given unto him, for his Inheritance, I wiltgive thee the Heathtnfo,. thy lllherJtallce. Secondly, Other Heirs do not make the Land or build the Houfes they do inherit, but Chrift hath built the Houfe he is Heir of. He6rews 3· 6. f.!lc. T hirdly,He bath purchaft itlikewife,what a man hath by purchafe; we fay he bath it not by inheritance, but Chri{\ he bought Heaven and all the glory of the Saints, and the Saints themfelves; therefore Revetatio11s 5. It is faid, Thou art worthy of att Honour and Glory, f.!lc. And yet though he bought all fo dear , yet he mu{\ ask for it, before he can have it; Ask of me and I wiltJSive thee, Pfa!. z~ So lfai. B· fpeaking of his death, He wilt appoint him hu portiott with the great. Fourthly, He cloth inherit all things while his Father is alive; other Heirs may have fomething made over to them, and the reft after their death; but the Father who ever lives hath laid down his Government and committed all Judgment to the Son. Fifthly, He is luch an Heir, that all his Brethren are Heirs with him, in other places the elder Brother runs away with all? and t~e reft are.Beggars! but th?ugh he hath Prtmum;.u, and our Tale come m by h1m, yet be1ng Cohem, he mhe– riting we may inherit all things with him. · Vfe 1. Labour therefore to be one with Chrift; for he is a great Heir, ·' he bath unb,rchable riches laid up in him, Ephej: 1. he is Heir of Three King– doms, Heaven Eartl? and Hell, and to move you·to it, conuder you fhnll not only inherit all things by him, but the Heir himfelf fhall be your inheritance, 'Deut. 10 9· you lhall be Heirs of him, who fhall be Heirs of all things, not that we fhould be Lords of Chrift, yet he will ferve us,notonly here, as when he came in the fo.rm of a Servant,but in Heaven,it is faid, He wiltgirdhimfelf andftrve . ~ . . Vfe 2. Think thou what infinite love he fhcwed when he came"down in– to the World, and difpoffeft himfelf of all, had not a hole to lay h1s head m, by way of a Temporal'right ; he did not ·onIy forbear the ufe of all , . re- . · fervmg,