HE B. I. I, 2. ferving the right; but he did Abd.care ju;, in refpeCl: of a Temporal right; therefore the Apoftle fa~th, He 6ecame poor that we m1ght6ecome rich. Vfe s· In that be that was Heir of atlthmgs,!hould come here as a Prince dif– guifed, it iliould teach us humility; here the Heir was under Tutors and Gover– nors, fubjeCl: to his Parents, to the governmeAt of the World, paid Tribute to C,efar, (£;c. Though he poffeft all things, and had an aflurance immediately be– fore, Johll Il· yet he arofe and took a Towel, ancl wailit his Difciples feet, fay– jog, Jf I ywr Lord and Mafler, t!ic. that is, though be then aCl:ually confidcTed that he was Lord of all, yet he would !hew them an aCl: of humility, that they might thereby learn, to ferve one another through love. Vfe 4If Chr~fl be Lord of all, then he ~ill certainly uphold aMiniftry to call his EleCl: home; for he hath all power g1ven lum, to that end that he miabt give them Eternal life, M ;tt. 28. r 8, 19. tllerefore Miniftcrs alfo iliould te~cii boldly and plainly, becaufc be IS Httr of all thlflgs. Vfe )· See then how our ngh~ come m, that great Charter that God hath gi– ven us is gone, becaufe the Seal1s broken, which was the Image of God; there– fore now our right·comes in by Chrift, and no man hath right to any thing, but either as aSon or a Servant. W1cked men ferve h1m, therefore he gives them for their Wages the good things ot' this life, yet all the right is 1n him; if therefore you would have the right of Sons, get into Cluil!, AJ!thmgs are " yottrs, a11d) 'Otl iJYt Chr~{t's, and Chnfl is Gods; he hath the prime right, and bath appointed Chri!t to be Heir of all things; · and you being in Chrift, all things come to be yours, mdeed you may have the nght of Servants, and not be in him, neither will Chri!t call wicked men into queftion, fimply for having' the things of this life , but Servants abide not in the Houfe always ; iftherefore y.ou . would have an Inheritance perpetual immortal, and not be caft out in the end, labour to be one with Chrift. It follows, to !hew, why he is faid to be an Heir appointed, not only H.eres >tatUI, but Golif/itntur. All Heirs are either born, or fo appointed: fo by will Chrift is both, as the So11 of Godhe is born an Heir, and fo he comes not under the decree of Predeftination, which is an aCl: of God's Will; but as Medit~totir be is appointed Heir, therefore when the Apo!ile faith, 6y him he made the WDr!d, he fpeaks of him as the Son; but when he faith, he was appoimtd Heir of a/J thiltgs, he fpeaks of him as Mediatottr: therefore·he fpeaks of it as a di– fiinCl: thing, and faith alfo, By whom he made the World. There is a Twofold right Chrift hath to all things, Fir!t, l'>y Natttr., or Birth. Secondly, By an Otconomicat difpenfatory Right; and fo Chri!t is faid to be Predefli1wttd, 1 Pet. I .20. Fitft, As the Son of God he is not predeftinated, for Generation is an aCl: of God's nature, and he did it neceffarily; but Predeftination is an aCl: of his Will. Secondly, That this Second Perfon lhould fubfift in an humane Nature, comes within the compafs of his Decree, by virtue of which he becomes Heir of all things; therefore in Heb. ro. )·it is faid, that Chrift !hould have a Botfy, was written in the Volume of tht Book, that is, it comes under the Decree of God for he might have taken the Nature of At~gels, as appears Heh. 2, where it i; faid, He too~ not the Nat11re of A11gels, it implies , he might have done ~ . Thirdly, That he took that particular Nature, this came within the compafs' of God's appointment, for it was only by Grace, Gratia. unionii·; .therefore fiuguf/ilu faith, What could that Natnr. de(,rve, to be takm imo fe/Jowjhtj> more tha11 any other. It was Nej/oriur his Errour, That Chrifl was (irfl meer Man, and meritedto 6e united, not .confidering, that all Merit flows from the Union, and doth not precede it. Fourthly,· All the Offices of Chrill: come within the compafs of God's o~, eree. Fitft,