A SERMON on Firfi, His Kingly Office, Pfat. 2. I have fot my Kmg upon my holy Hill of Zton. Acts 2.36. Wh.chGod bath made Lord andKmg. Secondly, His Prie!lly Office, He6,3.1,2. it is faid, HewtU faithf ul in it 1111 • to him that appomtrd btm. Thirdly, H.s Prophetical Office, 'Zlrut.I8.I 8. God will •·aifo tip a Prophet of their Brrthrm ltke ttt:to me. . Fourthly, Though his Humane Nature be united, yet according to that he is not hisAdopted Son, but his Natural Son, for it is Ptrjima that is objeefum Ft!uzttOTtts, and not the D1vtne and Humane Nature; therefore it is faid, That whichisbontoj theejbr~llbecalledtheSot~of God; yet all the Glory that he h~th, though it be a co.nfequent of his Union, yet it is given him. John •?•'i· he fanh, Glorifie me, cla1m1ng 1t as h1s due, yet he begs 1t, as g1ven. So Pbil, 2 • though he thought it 110 >·obbery to be equal with God, yet iris faid, God gave ~im a Name above e.very namt. Though it was his Inheritance by Nature, yet 1t was g1ven lum; and the reafon 1s th1s,_ Becaufe, when he took upon him the cffice of a Medwtorjbtp, hela1d down Ius glory, gave up the right he formerly . had, and took Jt anew from h1s Father; as 1f a Son, who 1s JOynt purchafer with his Father, lhould give up his right, and take it again of his will; and this he did, Fir!l, That he might make over all things unto us. If he had been an Heir born only, and poffe!t it by that title, he could never have made over that to us • but the right that he had by appointment, that he made over unto us, that w; might be Heirs with him. As an Heir born, he is in the bofom of the Father; but he fits at the right hand of his Father, as an Heir appointed. Secondly, He will be an Heir appointed, that God may be glorified in all the glory that he hath. It might be faid, the Son holds of him, for as Mediatom· he holds all by that great Charter he bath of his Father; therefore Phi!. 2. He gave him r1 Nr~mr a6ove evrry 11ame, f!ic. to the glory of God the Fa– ther. Vfe 1. If Chrifl were appointed Heir of all things; if his Hu.mane Nature could not merit to be affumed,~ buhis Predefiination was meerly of Grace, then furely it is ours likewife. Vje 2. This fets forth the Love of Chrifl to us, in ·that he would lay down, and take it by a new right. Why lhould not we then lay down all at hisfeet, feeing we !hall have all in a better right,fcil. a Spiritual, we ll1all be put into Chrill's T itle, and be Heirs as well as he: Neither is Chrifl Heir only, but Heir of all thmgs; there is noth ing but he bath a right to, he is an Heir of the A ngels, therefore they are faid to be our fellow Strvtmts, Rtv.Ig. 10. and 22. 10. the renfon is only this, becaufe Chrifl is the Lord of them alfo; there. fore he .fends them forth for the good of his Elect, for which caufe they are called mmiflring Spirits. Whil« we !\ood in Innocency, it is a gueflion whe– ther they lhould have been mi11iflri1tg Spirits to us, yea or no; but now being Chirll's Servants, they are ours alfo. He is Heir alfo of the 'Devils, to over– rule them ; they could not go into the Swine without his leav~ : yea, all the w icked men in the World ere his Servants, therefore they are fa1d to dnty the Lordthat bought thtm. The Elder/hallj(rve the Tou>~ger,was fpoken of E{au, who being Chri!l's Servant, was _1aco6s likewife. Yea, He u Hflrof at/ thi11gs; the Wind ll1all not blow on thee but with his leave; yea, all paffages of things, both prefent and to come, all Affiictions he is Heir of, fo of all the Creatures; therefore he will new hang his houfe one day, and they !hall be reflored again to a glorious liberty; therefore Pjitl.96.10.I 1. it is faid, Let the 'Earth rejoycr, lmau(e Chrifl is Ki11g. Yea, all Godly men are Heirs with him , yet he is Heir of the Heirs themfelves. For the opening of the Point, confider Firfl, Hetr of all things is more than Ki11g of all things, for Inheritance im– plies right to every parcel of Goods in his Dominions. He is not only a Kmg to over-rule all, !)ut he is Heir of more Worlds than one, as appears 'IHr. 3· and he hath a right to every parcel therein. ' ~00~