HE B. 1. I, 2. Secol)~ly, He is Heir of all things, becaufe he is the end of all things; .AIJthitig~ were m.•defor him. He was firfi appomted an He1r, then God made Worlds for him to inherit. Go.d did not ns .Abrahamdid, lay up Good,, and.not know who fhould enjoy them;but he dcligned them for Chrifi,therefore it is faid, .Ait things ·were m.1de for him, Coloff. 1' they are all to fet out Chnfi. The 'Devils, to fhew his power, for it was fit fo great a King fhould have potent E· ne.mies; the Angelshis Purfuivants, &c. and \he reafon is, becaufe indeed he is all things himfelf, taking upon him our Natme; Ma11 being an Index of all the Creatures, therefore it is faid, Prrach the Gofprlto evny Creature. Thirdly, The right that Chrifl bath to all things, as Heir, is not a Worldly right, My Kingdom is 11ot of thh world; therefore, though .he be .Heir of all thinas, y'et he w1ll put you by nothmg; but Ins mic 1s J'pzr1tual, for Spmtual ends~ For look what ufe men are to put things ro, fuch is their title to them, becaufe men are to put the Creature to Wordly ufes, therefore their right is Worldly; but Chrifi being to over-rule all things for the·good of his Elect, his title isSpirituaL Joh1117. :t. AIJ power Wtlf givn! him_. that_he might give lltmal !tfe to them that weregtven bnn. That nothtng might htndcr thetr fa!• vation, he hath made himfell Heir of at/ thi11gs. V(e 1. If Chrifi be Heir of all things, then thofe that are his fellow Heirs need fear nothing, tor all things are Cnrifis, He is the Heir of all occurrencies in the World, that he might give themEurnat life; therefore all things fhall work together for that end. V(e :t. If Chrifi be Heir of all things, then learn to employ all for Chtill. It is reafon all fhould be employed for the good of the Heir ; Adminifirators, while the Heir is under age, are to give an account. All the gifts you have, you are but Adminifiratcrs of them, therefore labour to improve them for the good of the Heir. Vje ~· Therefore in the end you will find all things tend to the Glory of Chrifi, when all accounts are cafi up, and thofe his Enemies who would not give himGlory,fhall find,that they have done it whether they would or no; for he is a good husband, and will improve his Father's goods to the utmofi. When G0d was like to lofe all his Glory , he undertook the fhattered condition of things; and promifed that all his Glory fhould come in another way; and it will be found one day, that God had as much Glory out of the finful condition of mans, and more than if he bad fiood in the fiatc of Innocenc\'. Vfe 4· Though Chrifi be Heir of all things, yet he acknowledges no Worldly title, He paid it to Cttjar, therefore let the Saints content themfdves with a Spiritual right. Indeed Chrifi might come as King, and challenge all things prefently; but he lets here Wicked men run away with all, and io fbould his People be content, as he was, [By whom atjo htmadethe Wortd.j . Here is a defcription of Chriil in regard of his Threefold Office. Fir!\, His Prophetical Office; it is faid, Godfpakt ~y him. Secondly, His Kingly Office; for it is faid, Ht i6 Heir of all thi11gs, by whom he made the World. Thirdly, His Prie(lly Office, W.~whe hadpurged•ourjins,f.9c. All that is fa id of him,(as being the Son,as that he was Heir of all things, that he Created the World, &c.) tend only to this, to ihew, that he was able to take away our fins; he had (aid before that he was Heir of nil things, and that he might well be, for qe made the Worlds, the word .h;;,.,, he ufed is no where elf~ to be found ufed in all the Scriptures, but is proper to this Epifile, and fignifies Ages or Oenerati· ons, and becaufe things arc meafured by Time ; therefore it lignifies Worlds, which are meafured by Time,for fo it is plain in Heb.rr.t,j.Numert.r Numrrans, being taken for N11merato; Time which is the meafure of all things is put for the World 1t {elf; fo Matt. 14, Thu Genrrmionjbllilnot paf<, is fj,oken of the Jews,