Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

144 A SERMON on Jews, who were then to enter into a great Eclipfe, fo that men would have thought they !hould have been all worn out; but faith Chrifl, Thi< Gen,ration fhalt not pafs, that is thefe Men, there Generation is put for men,as here Time is put for Worlds. Hence we fee that there are Worlds made by Chrifr, a higher and a lower World, accordingly he hath made two forts of Creatures, Ftrfl, Men to be Lords of the World below, an_d Angels chief, in the World above ; for God loves vanety, therefore when he made reafonable Creatures he would make two forts, Angels a~d Men, for them he framed two Worlds, one for Adam, whidt he brought htm mto,another forAngels made m the firfr days Creation,fo as when it is faid the morning flan did fltine,Job ;6. it is meant, that the Heavens were Created thefirfr day, and the Angels with them. There is alfo an Earthly World in which men live upon the Creatures, and therefore are called worldly men. The !l:ate of Grace alfo is called a world, they that are put into it are called new Creatures, I make a11ew HMven and a new Earth, \!le. which promife though ii !hall be more fully accompltflted when the .7ewr !hall be called, yet it is in part fulfilled before, for whenfoever God calletb a Church he maketh a new World. for which caufe his Church in many places, is called The World. Therefore Chrifr– making a 1uw World, it is fitting he fhould have a new Sabbath to commemo– rate it, whicl1 was the reafon of the tranllation of the Day; becaufe as the Fa– ther made a World, and refred upon that Day, fo Chrifr making a newWorld re!l:ed upon this Day, which is, and !hall be kept to the end of the World. ' Again, There is alfo a preje11t World, and a World to come, both made by Chrifl, Eph. 1.21. The firfr day God made the Angds and the Heavm.r, that we !hall one day live in; but as it is faid of Hell, it was prepared jo.- the 'lJevit and hi< Angels, that though the Angels were firfr call: into it, yet Men were ro come after: So it may be faid of Heaven, though it was prepared for the An– gels firfr, yet God meant to bring men hither alfo; for there are Names to be in the World to come, as well as in this World. Vfe 1, Tf there be Worlds made by Chrifr, then you that be Worldly minded men, confider, if you will turn to Chrifr you !hall be rolfeffours of Worlds, whereas Adamwas Heir only of one World. We read o Altxande.-, That he wept when he heard there wits but o11e World to conquer; but if you become the Sons of God, open your mouths as wide as you can,\and they ihall be filled ; if one World will not ferve you, ~here are Worlds for y6u, this prejent world! and a!J things in it !hall be yours, 'I Cor, >,.tilt. Therefore Abraham is called the Heir of the World, and fo ihall you be, have the Faith of Abrah,,m; and when you enjoy another World after the latter day, yet this World !hall flill be yours, and ferve for your ellate that are Heirs of Glory. As Noble men ufe to have many houfes to go unto, fo it !hall be your glory to have fuch a World as this of your own to frand empty. Love not the World therefore, nor the thi1zgs of it, for there is aWorld to come, and this World is nothing in com– parifon of it. Care not therefore for a great Name here, for there are Names in the Wo.-ld to come which are !ailing, Eph. 1. 21." All the Evidences for this World will be burnt one day, but Heaven is a !l:anding Palace. This World is made but a Stage for men to adtheir parts a while, and then to be taken down. Secondly, All thefe Worlds were made by Chrifr. The Father indeed is the principal Agent, but he doth it by his Son; but not as an Inflrument by which he made it, as fome Hereticks have affirmed; nor by him as a Mediarour, as fome of the Fathers have faid, as if Chrifr were a Mediatour between him and nothing. But when it is faid, He made the Worlds 6y him, the meaning is this, In the works of the Three Perfons, \Vhat one is faid to do the other is faid to do, only with this difference, all things are faid tobe of the Father, but by the Son; foras he is the Second Perfon, fo he is the fecond in working. In Men there are Three Principles which concur to every action. Firfr, Wifdom, to plot all things. Secondly, Will, to have this or that done. Thirdly, Power,by which all things are executed according to this refollllion. The