HEB. I. I,:!. The works of the Three Perfons, anfwer to thefe Three. Firfi, The Son is the wifdom of the Father, the Id.eaof all things that were made; therofore it is faid, Htb, li. ~· The thi11gs that arejfm,- art madr 6y the thi11gs thfJt do "ppear. Secondly, There is Will, which is the Father's part ; for the motion to have all things done comes from him. . Thirdly, The Powtr if theHighef/, viz. the Holy Ghoff, which performs ~ll things ; therefore it is faid, Gm. I. that in the Creation he moved t•pon the Waters. V(e ,, To what end is this brought in here, that the Worlds w ere mfJde fly Chrif/, bur only to fet limb his ability for ~he workof Redemption, for he that made theWorld can remake It:foJ ohll 1.1t 1s fatd,Wzthout htm WM nothi11g made. It was only to fuew, he was a fit pef fon to undertake the work of Redemption ; therefore it follows, The Word wtU madefldh: fo Coloff 1. By whom all things were made, to /hew he was a fir l:'erfon, by whom God fuould reconcile all things to himfelf: fo here only to /hew, he only was able to purge our Jim, for thefe thingscould have been done by none others, Vfe 2. Therefore love the Lord Jefus more than a thoufarid Worlds ; for he is the maker of Worlds, and 1f Worlds could do thee good, he would make thee many more, Vfe ~· This fuews the infinite Love of Chrift, that he that could make Worlds would himfelf be made Flt/b ; and it had been eauer for him to make Worlds, than been made himfelf a Creature; yet this he was himfelf for our fake. Vfo 4- Is it not then pity, that Chrift that made the World, fuould not be known nor loved in the World, This is Juh1l's complaint, 1 Joh. Ia. The World wMmade by him, rmdthe World knew him not. We fcarce hear of his Name, but only in thefe Weftero parts; confider, he is your Maker, therefore labour to know him. The A{s knowtth his Owner, therefore much more fuould we our Maker. He came into the World, and could not be owned by it; he comes unto mens fenfes, and they will not entertain him, but cafi him out again; as we do when we take him not upon his own terms. Vfo 5· If he be good at making Worlds,then if thou wouldeft have thy heart mended go to him, who is maker of Worlds and Hearts alfo. V fe6. If the World be naught, and Times bad, go to Chrifi, for he is able to make them anew,to alter things and turn the World upfide·down; for he is able to make a New Heaven and a New Earth. When the J•w s and Gm tiles fu all be called there fuall be a New World, though the fame Stage fiand fiill, yet he will make many new Scenes upon ir, [Who 6•ing the 6right1u[s of hi< Fathtr's Glory, (!)c. J There are Three expreffions to fet forth the Divinity of Chrift ; he is called the Son, the Brighttufs of his Father's Glory, and the CbaraC!er of hi& Per– fan, becaufe the eternal Generation of the Son cannot be exprelred by one word; therefore the Holy Ghoft ufeth divers terms. He is called a So11, to fuew that he is begotten of him as a Father, and therefore he hath the fame Elfence; for Identity in Eifence the word Son implies, yet begotten not in a Carnal manner, but as the beams are begotten by the Sun; therefore he is called the Brightne{s of his Glory , to ll!ew that he is Coeternal with his Father, as the Beamsare the fame in time with the Sun; butthe Beams are weaker than the Sun it felt; therefore it is faid, He is the t1/graven image of his Perjon, every way Iike him. All thefe expreffions are to fer forth the eternal Generation of the Son. He is called the Brightntfs of hi& Glory, to fuew that he begat him, neceifarily it is not a voluntary action; We are begotten accordi11g to the good plea{ure of his wiU, .'lam. I. But he naturall y, as the Beams do naturally flow from the Sun and is faidto be ~he Chara{fer of hi1Ptrfon ; for EJJ•ntia tuc gnm·at, 11ecgnu: ratur, as he is the Firff Perfon, fo he begets a Sec•11d ; but the Eil''encc is com– montoborh. V He