Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A SERMON on He only therefore is the Brightnefs of his Fathers Glory; we all are but Stars, fuining with a.borrowed hgbt.. But as the Beams of the Sun, fuch is the glory of Chrifi, whtch canno~ be fatd of any Creature, He havmg the fame glory with his F~ther; an~ fo tt ts fatd, TheyJaw huglory, ]ohn ~. V{e 1 • Is Chnfi fo Glonous, what wtll Heaven be, but the feemg of the Glo– ryo!' Chrifi? If God had created worlds of glorious Creatures, they could have never cxf>re!fed his Glory, as his Son; therefore Heaven is thus expre!fed, Joh. 1 7· I wttl, that they be with me to beholdmy glory. Wherein lies there– fore that great communion of Glory that fuall be in Heaven, it is in feeing the Glory of Chrifi, who is the Image of the invifible God that is worfuipped. As God himfelf was Invifible, he hath fiampt his Glory upon his Son, therefore we are faid tobehold the Glory of God in the face of J•fus Chrifl, 2 Cor.4. 5, 6. wherein lies our Glory, to be where Chrifi is. 'Johll I. it is (aid, They Jaw hts glory, tU the glory of the otlly qegottm So11 of God; that is, they faw fuch Glory as could be in none other. It I! therefore the feemg of Chrifi that makes Hea– ven; wherefore One faid once, If I were cart i11to mJy hole, if I co11td have btlt a cranny to foe Chrifl alwaies, it WOttld /;e Heavm moHgh. But is this all, to fee himfdf? A Beggar may look upon the glory of a King, and yet be never the better for it; but he that lhall fee the Glory of Chrifi, fuall be changed into the fame glory; when we fee him, we lhall be like him. I ]oh11 ~· 2.He wilt cha11ge our vile Bodies, and milkt them like to hisglorious Body. As he fandified himfelf, that he might fandifie us: fo he glorified himfelf, that fo he might glo– rifie us. 1olm 17.22. Tht glory that thou gavej/ me, I have given ttuto them. Whereby he makes you far more glorious, than they could be under the firfi Co– venant ; for this is the Aighefi way by which Creatures can be united unto God. V[t 2. If Chrifi be thus glorious, theg labour to m.anifefi his Glory to the the World, lhine with his Glory, andGrace, which is glory, 2 Cor.3.ttlt. Would you fee the Brightnefs of Chrift's Glory, which Wicked men and Devils lhall never fee, labour to get your hearts changed into the Image of Chrifi; be humpie, as he was.humbJ'e,&c. .. . .. . . ! ' . A