IjO A SERMON on Which Idolatry is laid opeJJ in Three things. Firfr in having Re!Jq11es of BaaJ, Idolatrous Images Altars and Rites for his ' Worlhip. Secondly, In having Priefrs alfo the Infrruments of it, both Chemarim (fo called from their h.at, as Kt~mar fignifies,) their zeal to feduce others, and their activenefs to propagate Idolatry as Expofitors note. And 2, Priefrs, that is ordi· nary Chaplains in their Houfes. Thirdly, Their Idolatry practiced in worlhipping the Hojf of Heaven, and i!l the tJight, and fo in fccrct, (for the time ol it,) though on tops if HoH• Jn. I lhall not need bid you go fe,,ch for thefe corruptions,yourConfciences I dare fay, have had an eye upon Popifh Altars, Crucifixes, Indulgences,(called uy feme (as here,) ReJicks too; but of Baat) upon the .'frf/lites alfo more hot than ere the Chtmarinu not fedueers only but incntdarits of the frate; fuchSpirits as en– flame andmake _every where the Blood fo hot,~as they call Nations into burning Fevers, c1v1l D1lfenttons ; and the Secular Pndh With them; for the purging of both which, our State wifely bath prefcribed Eluding. 1\nd their worJhip– ping the Ho11 of Heaven, the Army of glorious Martyrs, and s ,unts and An– gets; and a breaden Hofr alfo, no man can be ignorant of; for it is practic'd net as in the night, as with them; but as in the day. The Second fort he infranceth in are not Idolaters ex profe.fJo;but they pretended the lame reformed Re!lgiott efrablifhed,they fwore by God, that is,worlhippedhim (for fo you all know Swearing by God is put to fignilie)and yetJwore 6y MtJ!chan alfo; retaining correfpondency with both and happily endeavouring to reconcile both. Search ifyou]ind 1101 thoft that do fo with us, that would jumble Light and Darkncfs, by little and little bring in a twilight in opinions lirfr, which the midnight will certainly follow;who to that end revive things left out by our refor– 'mers as fuperfritious and which ulhered in Popery atfirfr; and who do it perhaps to ftmboilzc and comply with Popery to make the tranfmutation the more eafy. The Th1rd fort are thofe that were t11rn'd back from tht Lord, Apofrates ei• ther in opinion or practice, of truth profelfed once and acknowledge, and if in opinion, then ;,praefiet; for no man is better than his judgment, many arc worfe; and opinions that overthrow the practice of Religion, are worfe than the grolfefr actual fins, by how much an act of Treafon is lefs than a Law permitting it or an opinion that it may be la"ful. And when men are reduced to prove the firfr principles laid by Glorious Martyrs and Apoflles, it is a fign ofgreat and high and irrecoverable fall in fome, Heb. 6. •, 2, ver. 4· compared. However if we retain the opinions, yet for thepraflice ofGodlinrfs, and as to the approbatiod of it; Evil mett wax worfe (J11d worfe. Compare but thefe times with the infant times of our firfr Reformation; ~een Maries fires did heat England, and the examples of the blelfed men then fealing the truth with their Bioods,left behind it a general approbation of their ways and thofe duties of god· Jinefs which they did profefs and practice. Spiritual preaching was then prized, men might go far to hear Sermons, and repeat them to their Families and be re– verenced. Men might have profelfed the fear of God in the utmofr frrictnefs of it, and have made confcience of their ways and not have been nicknamed, might have pleaded for the Sabbath, and Sanctified it in the utmoll frrictnefs, fpent it wholly in Heavenly exercifes, (as our Homelies words are,) and not have been accufed of Judaifm. But the memory of thofe godly men and their ways is now worn out, aRd a Generation is come on that knew not thofe _7o{tphs, and now their Brethren that worlhip God after the fame way that they did , are cried down. If grofs fins be to be fpoken againfr, and !inners punilht, men indeed fcem to {hike, but 'tis but with a dui and a faint blow with the back of the Sword ; but if but a hair be to be pared off of a godLy man's hand, men turn the edge and frrike with all their might. . · And whereas Drunkennefs and Prophanefs, contempt of God and goodnefs, may pafs and travel through the World, having neither pafport of Law or Con– fcience to fecure or countenance it; Godlines under the fufpition of being a fact– ious Spy, is every where fropt, examined, (though it have a pafport ot conformay