Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

z EpH. IJ. I, 2, l· Only then in the Second place, It is and mu!l: be a fearc hing of our felves the Prophet calls you to, not to fearch into the common faults of Ktngdoms and of theState to the end 10 complain of them as m~nydo, and overlook their own; No, it is the Prophets complaint. . r<r. 8. 6, No ma1l repe11ted,Jayi11g what have I do11e; but the Prodigal when be repented came hom~ to himfelj: Yea Thirdly, And this is mo!l:"feafon•ble and rcquifite in time of common danger, and when pub)ick faflings are enjoyned, and when men are called thus to gatlier together ihen to fearch;therelore both are joyned here and in' Ki11gs 8, l8· If a Famine be in the Laod,or Enemy befiegeth; whatPrayerlhall be made by any man, (that is, by any man fingly and apa~t; for you arc to pray private– ly as well as publickly on fuch an occa!ion,) whzch jha/1 kt~ow every "'"" the plag11e of his ow11 hmrt; (mark 1t,) Thm Lord hear, 0 Goda11d Jorgiv< a11d do, (!)c. For Fir!l:, God hears not the prayers made till then, _for the Prie!l: prayed and offered Sacrifice for his own'!ins as for the people, H<6. S· l· Second!y, God forgives not till then, for God in pardoning he mu!l: have .t] 1 e Glory ol his )uflice which bath been provoked, and the expence of the riches of his Mercy that he lays out in pardoning known and acknowledg'd fins.H,e mu!l: have a particular reckoning with every man, fir!l: that they may know what their debt is, and what is forgiven, that althm1gh God loofe the debt he may not loofe his kindnefs in forgiving it, Thirdly, Becaute (as there,) Godgives and doth to every m;m acco•·di11,g to hJS ways, wboje heart he knoWJ ; that is, God he learcheth your hearts, and accordingly deals with particular men in time of common Judgments according to their particular ways ; fo~ Judgments which you call common yet light upon particular perfons, And as tn co~mon for nauonal fins, fo on thts and that par– ticular Perfon accordmg 10 hts parneular ways; for a Co11Jumpt1on decreed over– flows with righuort{nej j. Ifai. 6o. 22, and the~efore as to remov~ it in common, National fins are to be fearchcd tnto,_ fo becaufe 1t hghts With nghteoufnefs on particulars, every man is to fearch h1s own perfonal fins, and by fweeping every man his own door the Street is cleanfed, and fo the Judgment removed. The Ninivites, (of whom Chri!l: fays they repented at the preachingofJonah,)up– on occafion of that publick Fa!l: proclaimed by their Prince, did not only keep a general Fafl and crudmtghtily 11nto God. But that Edict 'tis fpecially urged, Yea,let th<m tur11 every o1u from his evil wqy, Jmah3· 8. and the event was, GodJaw that tbry tum.dfrom tbnr evil W'!)', a11d God repmted of the tvil, ver. 10. If now you ask what you are to fearch in_your felves. I Anfwer, into · your fins and e!\ates before God; &arch 0 NattoiJ not to 6e de(tred. Now it is fin alone that takes Gods heart offfrom us,and that caufeth ill m to have no plea– fure in us. Let every mtn therefore go home and commune with his own heart unlock it and fearch into all the written Evidences and Records of his own' confcienc~ which haply have not been lookt intofince the fir!l: writing ofthem; and to help you to order thofe confufed reckonmgs, g1ve out to every particular Command– ment its feveral bills. Thou that ha!l: been a fwearer, think what a fearful bill the Third Command– ment will bring in again!l: thee, of whom God bath faid that he will not hold guiltlefs Jor takiog his name in vain. Thou that ha!\ been a Sabbath breaker, think what a reckoning the Fourth will bring in, concerning which God hatbgiven thee a particular Memmto, Rr– mem6er thou kup holy the Sa66ath-day; tn thoughts, words, actions which it may be thy confcience puts thee in remembrance alfo of,and yet thoufouteflthi 11 e eyes as they are faid oo do from the Sabbath, Ezrk.u.26. Take heed lefl God jware again!\ thee, Thou jhalt never mter illfo hi< refl, Hrb. + 18. which He6, 5· 9· is calledTbe Sa66ath of the Ptople of God, ~~'""""" Think what .innume(able fins of others .Pupils or People entru!\ed to thee. SoJlls murdered by thy ill example or negligence io in!l:ruCl: them, the 6th. Corn: mandment will bring in with this Foot of the account, Their blood, .(their Souls blood,) wi/J I reqwre at thy ht111ds, Ezek, ~. • 2c. X Think