A SE RM O N on Think bow many fiand on the file of the Seventh , howmany Millions of thoughts facrificed to fpeculative Adultery if not the fact it felf, or mans fin com– mitted, which latter the Apo!lle P aul calls, Rom. 1. 24. defilei11g their 6odits f>l. umr, inorby them(elves; and 0 think bow often/ with this fentence a~ the end. The Lord ktJow,s how to referve the unju(l to the day of judgme11t to/;e ftJnijht, efptcially them that w alk after tbe lujl of tmcleamuft, 2 Peter. 2 , 10. Turn over the vafi heap of thy actions, lift them, fee how few faithful pray– ers tho11 canfi fiQd amongn them; how few gracious fpeeches among as many fins a5 Sands. Yea, unravel all thy life and untwifl each action, and fee how many fins in re– gard of many aggravations are woven but in one. Go down into ~he Treafury of thy thoughts,(as t~e Scripture calls them,Matt. 12. 35• for the abundance of them and worth m them;) think with thy felf if they lhould be melted and tryed, as one day God will do every work by fire, 1 Cor. ~· 1 ~, that when all the drofs of Covrtout, P roud, Adu!urotu hiViott! Blajpbemott! foolifb tbougbts as Chrifl muflers them and calls them' M ark 7· 2 1. are abflracted and taken out, how little Gold there remains 0 ; thoughts of any worth; fo Solomon fays, a Fools beart u little w rwtb, Prov. 10. 20. So feel the pulfe of thy defires and affections of all thy defires,joyes &c. fee how quick~y and flrongly it beats to what is evil, how dully, faintly, yea: not at all to what ts good. · Bolt and fift out the meaning and end in every affection thought and adion and fee how felf love, pleafure, credit, eafe, is the Finis .ArcbitellonicUJ, tha~ fets all awork, takes all and pays aU. Obferve what the motives and bribes to gratify fel f within thee are, which thy heart takes ere it frirs to any thing is good. Trace and fent out all the windings, lhifts and turnings of thy thoughts , and inward difcourfing to colour over evil. - Lafily, Call up what thy Receipts have been, what wit, learning, good ex– ample of other men, light of confcieru:e, motions of the Spirit, tailings of the hcavenlygifts,ble!TedOrdinances and'opportunities thou hall been made partal<er of; and reckon thy expcnces for God, and thy trading by thefe, and what thou gainedfi for him by them. And after you have done this, let the next enquiry be, itt what eflatt.J'Ouare h– fore God; whether in aneflateof favour, which is the thing the Prophet puts to their con!ideration, and fearch whether to be defired or no; that is in fuch an eflate whereinGod~s defire or acceptance is towards thee ; and fo he fpeaks of the impenitent in the Nation,as oppofed to the meek in~ v erjes who are in cilate of defire and gratiousacceptance with God,Ca11t.7. 1o.I am my beloveds a11d be is nli11e,and hu defire u towards me;andEp. 1.6. he hatb made tt! gratiouf!y accepted; fo as though they have fins that make them in themfelves not to be de!ired , yet God's deftre is to them; now that ofall other is great controverfy, which yet is to be fe2red,whether thou art in this flare of favour with God; few Schollars beat their heads about fearing to live in that eflate they are afraid to die in. Now for the decifion of the controverfy, refi not only in fearching the Church Book, and there finding you are Baptized, in the t6. Mark 16. He tbat believes a11d is Baptized, fays Chrifl, he foal/ be [aved, 611t be that 6flievn not fhal/ /;e damned. Suppofe be be Baptized, whether think you will Chrifl's words prove true or no ? As inSimon Magtt! they did ; God putting no more d ifference between aTurk and U nregenerate man though Baptized, then of Old he did between a Jew and aHeatben, Jer, 9· lafl, the one is uncircumcifed in the Flelh, the other, the Jew, in the heart; for as not Circumcifion, fo nor by the fame reafonBaptifm cloth avail ought 6nt a ttew Creature i11 Cbrifi,Ga/.6. ')· But fearch you this facred Regifier of Heaven, which is the great inquefl of lifeand death; where all the evidences and inditements to acquit the Godly or condemn the wicked lie, And there you lhall find that he that bath fuffered in the Fletl1 bath ceafed from fin, .1 P et. 4.-7.. therefore he that lies in any known fin cannot be faved. There