Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

z EpH. Il I; 2, 3· There you !hall find if you make credit or preferment or any thing but God's glory your end, you cannot believe, .'Toh11;. 44· How CtJIJ you 6el~eve whilft .y o>J feek ho11ot1r otte of tJIJother ; and 11ot the glory which comes of God 0 ,;; ~ . Ther.:: you !hall find that flatterers and time-fervers are not the (ervants of 'ehrift, Ga!ut. I. 10. lf I yet p!Mfod mm I (bott!d 1101 6e the Srrva11t of 'l-hrijf. • r . ThereyoQ ·fhallnnd~hat he who loves not the Lord Jefus,he Uaccurjed, I Cor. (~fi, .AndPettrlovt11thoume,.feedmyjheep; you know who faid fo, he that m~•fi judge yqu alfo. . . . T;~ere you fhalllind that he that hates hi& Brother, efpecially when he makes confciet.'ce of lin and duty, that he hates God whom he bath not feen who gave that makes confcience of, 1 Johtt + 20. . . . There yo:tlhall -find that h_e that /J1gh~s and defptfeth any ofGod's Command• ments and wa)''Sappmnted htm to walk lwtll dye, Prov. I 9· 16. That he who .~eglects calling upon God is a worker of iniquitJj Pfa!, »· 4 • for fuming will eit.'ter make him leave praying~ or praying leave_linning. . Yea and to make .-.onfctence of tlus nmpubhkely only, but pnvately,for whrn 11 Spiri~of fupplication· is powered out-, it makes Men and Women pray aparr,as Zach. 12. from 10. ver. to end compared. . Yea and if men contim.'e nottodo fo conlhntly, and delight not in God,they are no'better than Hypocrites, _lob 27. 8. with 1oth. 'tier. compared. If a man fhould take the keys of your hea·rt, and ranfack your Cupboards and fee what fweet bits you delight in,he lhould.6nd them full of uncleanrtefs,eafe,pleafures,&e. rather than God, and communion with him in his Ordinances. And if upon this fearch thy efiate b'e found by thee to be unfound indeed, ·ami notto be defired or refied in, be not fhy or aIraid tojudge fo of it, and to pafs fen– tence upon thy felf accordingly. For he _tells them, Godwho isgreater thtmyot~r hearts doth Jo judg• ofthem; that is, thmk of your felves as God cloth, tune your . judgments to his. Which is fo far from puttmg you offfrom God,as it is a nece!fa ry preparation to coming into favour with him; for as he that is a Fool muft think himfelf one ere he can be wife, I Cor.J.t8.So he that will be jufiified mufllirfi ap• prebend himfelf condemned, Rom. 4- )· He that 6e!teves w htm that ;uflifie-s th•Vngod!y, his Fuith is imptaedtohim for Rightmtjitefs; a man in Law can• not have a fcntence of Pardon untill he be lirfi judged and cafi and femence paft upon him as guilty. . , . And therelore it is the greatefi kindnefs cui be done you by others, and the greatefi wrong you can do your [elves; For others to tell you your eftate,is good and ble!fed when it is not, or you not to be apprehenfive of the truth herein• For P{a!. 7· ''• 'tis faid, God is angry with the wicked every day if we ttmi not, bath prepared his inflrummts of death; The next thing in th.e Text is, tofee~ the Lord, for thete is rio continuing iri that efiate thou yet fiandeft in. And thou haft no way to efcape but by feeking of him nnd turning to him. . . . As that wife King in the Parable, Luke '4· 3i. when by confultatiort he had found that the King coming againfl him would be too firong, he fends out an Emba!fage and deHres conditions ofpeace; and fo mufi thou from God. Send up prayers day and mght as Me!fengers for peace to the Court of Heaven, and toob– tain of Chrifi 1 that thofe great preparations m:ide agaioft thee be fiopr; and know that God will be fought too of all thofe fhall have peace ai his hands; ior he dorli not cafi Pardons away which colt him the blood of his Son to purchafe them; he will have them prized to the utmofi. Now that we efteem little worth, which is not worth the feeking for, when 'tis to be had for feeking. Yea, and fo unalterably God flands upon it and looks for this; as that though he hath engaged himfelf by never fo faithful a promife to !hew mercy unto his Church, yet as Ezek. ~6. ver. ~6. he fays, I wif111everthtlefs, I wi /1 be m• Fftliredfor 6y the hotl{e of Ifrat! for this, (!!c, X :~. And