A SERMON on And 1\e looks not for this only from us, when yet his word is firfl paffed to do it; but he looks tor it from his Son Chrzjl on our behalf, tobefougbt 6y h1m who according to his Godhead is equal to his Father; yea, and of him, who fo~ the l'erformance of thofc things, alfo purchafcd all God means to do for us yet he · mufl ask. Yea in the 17thof 'JohiJ he-asks for his ow11 Glo>y he had b;fore the World was. In Pja/.2.8. Ask of me the Her~thm,f!Jc. which yet were his own by purchaiC. Much more therefore he requires this of one that is at that diflance from him, who is to him but as the Chaff; and Wax befere the fire, and dufl of the ballance·; as we are Creatures, and who befides are Enemies to him, until he be reconciled to us, and we to him. Yea, and he rcfol vcs to be fought in earnefl unto, not with a faint and a lazy feeking. Ltd•e r l·24. StriVe to e'uter i11, for ma11yjhall (eek a11d 1101 beable. If you get Peace of him, you mufi wre!\le !or it; (""'• toJeek, is too low an ex– l'rcllion; wrefllc as Jacob did all night, and with all your might roe; put to all y<mr ftre~gth, yea, ufe vwlmce, Matt. 1 J. 12. befiegc Heaven with voJliesof Prayers and Tears. Jer.29· 'l· They/hallJeek rmdji11d me, wbm they Jeek w1th all thei>· hearts. And Faitbon his gracioufnefs and readinefs to pardon, as a foundation of the feeking of him is abfolutely neceffary; and fuch a God, 1hou upon fuch feeking of him, !halt find him to be. Do not therefore now conceive him to be of fo ·harih and furious a difpofition, as that there is no dealing wjth him, no coming near him; for though he be thus great a God, yet he profcffeth, /fay 27. ;. Fury iJ 1101 i!J me towards one who dejires to be at pencewitb me. And though he be thus flrong, yet take hold of his jlrength, as there, by Faith, and then out of Faith Pray to him, by Prayer feek to him, and wreflle with him, and thou ihalthavepoweroverhim, asJaco6 had. Thm he is graciotiS; v11d hefht~!t pray to him, andGodwilt 6t favourable, atld hejhatlfee hu face with joy. Job 35.24, and 26. If you ask, What difpofition of heart, together with believing, will conduce mofl to overcome him? I Anfwer, in the Third place, Seek to him ;, Meek1Jefs ; that is, lowlinefs and fubmiilion: As firfl, acknowledging thy defervcd– nefs to be deflro)•ed, as they Ezek. 36. 31· and thy Conteuted11efs to be fo, if it may more glorif e him; which Levit. 26.41. isc•lled .lfcapti11gof a man's due puniihmer.t, putting a man's felf into his hands, and referring himfelf to him ; as v .zvid, 2Sam. I). 26.lf he faies of me (fays he) I have 110 delight"' ther; Behold here am ], let h1m do w1th muu feemnh good to him. And to be con– tent to wait and attend patiently ,if at any time (as faith the Apoflle) God wilt beg•·acious to thee, and put thy mouth in the duf/. And thus God will be fought to humbly, and as a Tray tor guilty afore God and obnoxious to him, Rom.p 9· that fo hts abfolute Free grace may appear,and be acknowledged. Ezek. 36, 31. they loath tbemfe!ves, or aspthcrs read it, Jtdge themjftves wort~ to be de– .flro)•ed; and why? for be it knoWIJ to you, that 1101 for your fakes I do this, that is, to pardon you; 611t for hu Name fake, as verf. f-2• of the wme Chapter. , . And this is the greatdl violence you can ufe,it is a laying hold of his jlre11gth; indeed it overcomes an ingerruous man, much more God, the God of all Gract and Mercy. It overcame 'David, and it was Shimel's Policy, as tile only way to deal with him, 2 Sam.t9.20. who, when he faw 'Dt~vtd would be too hard for him, he cunningly comes and puts himfelf into his hand. And fo Bmb.•tlad's Servants, knowing the Kiugs of Ifrae/to bemerofu! KitJ.Ss, ,-advifed him their Mafler, when they faw he and they mufi fall into h:s hag,d, to go with Ropes about their neck', teftifying thereby there acknowledgment, that if he would hang them up h.e m~ght, 1 Kings 20.3 r. and they came by his Chariot fide be– fceching, and obfcrved his words that fell from him , .and waited diligently to fee if he would incline to Mercy; and this overcame hard hcarted ./1hab. And thus now go thou to God; Fall down upon thy knees afore bim,and with a heart broken to \vater, acknowledge (as Shimei) thy Treafon and Rebellions againf\ him who never did thee hurt ; and acknowledge, with a Rope ready fit– ted to thy neck by thy own hands (as they,Bmhadad's Servants wore;) that is, confc/llog