A SERMON on 3i:ccptable and plealing in God's light ; and to approve thy Heart to him and grieving for nothing m~re ~han tailing, and falling Jhorr · what thou aimeit ar, and purpofefi, frill havmg tt m thy eye, re(hng m no p or incafure of Obedience. And without this, with what face canfi thou feek Pardon at his hand; for what bonefiy or equity ts there, that thou fhouldfi feek the pardon of thy lin· and yet live in it, or not part with it in thy full refolutions , and then how canfi'thou open thy mouth to ask at God's hands; or, how to delire the benefit of that All– fufficicht Righteoufnefs of Jefus Chrifi to cover thee, and not conform to thy utmofi endeavour to be r1ghtrotu, M hr u righteous,. as 1ohlt fpeaks r Joh 11 j. 7 • purg111g thy Jdj, as he zs purr, v.7. that is, with all thy might and endea– vours alter it. InLuke8,t5, the good Ground is {aid, to have, and to 6ri 11 g forth fruit out of au honefl he,zrt; and fo mufi thou have. Or Secondly, If thou hadfi the face to feek him, neglecting this dofi think· that God will ever pardon thee l Would a King pardon. a Traytor', thoughbe fued never fo humbly, tf he faw he would be a1 raytor fitll. Thou would!\ not pardon no man in like cafe thy felf. If you plead, God bath more Mercy in him than is in a Man, for hi. thoughts are110t ourtho11ght:, ~c. lfai.5J.8. I Anfwer, Yet fiill where he expre!Teth himfelf mofi merctful, as mExod, l4 6,7. he adds at lafi, y•t 6y no mea11s clear• i11g agt~itty hearted perfon~ that bath a falfe and difloyal heart towards him, and will not be fubJect to htm m all thmgs, and be content to have every thought brought to obedience, And the Reafon is, becaufe firfi, There is mercy only with him that he m"§ be feared, Pfid. 1 30-4- Now if he fhould fuffei Pardon to go out of his hand_, and no change in Mens hearts to fear and obey him, there were Mercy with him to be contemned. And Secondly,You mufi know that God's Mercy is joyned with Wifdom alfo: for one Attribute defiroies not another; but to pity a Rogue that continues fo, it is fooli01 j>ity. God forbids it in us, and therefore will not practice it himfelf. Now, till thou turnefi from fin, and choofefi the things that pleafe him he will not delight in thee, lfa.56·4·'5· For th11s faith the Lord unto the Emmchs that keep my Sabbath, a11d choofe the thi11gs that pteafe me, mtd take hotd of my Co– ·umant: evm tmto them wiO I give in mi11e houfe, a11d withi11my walls, a pkta,and atwme,6etter thall of Sons andof'Daughtfrs,~c.He infianceth in Sab– bath;becaufe that day,if fanctified as it ought,in Thoughts,Speeches,and Actipns, is the darling and delight of the Lord,Tjm.58.u/t.Now if thou mal!efi it thy dar– ling day too, and fuch a day as this of Fafling and Prayer, or of thofe Ordi– nances which in his Word he manifefls his heart i<for. If thine be for them alfo, Prayer, holy Conference,&<:. then he comes to detigbtitJ thee, as there, and o– therwife not; for can two watk together MfYJmds (fates the Prophet,) and 1101 agree? hating, what he dilcovers he hates,&c. Therefore refolveeitherto leave every known Sin, and fubmitto every !mown Duty; or elfe never look to find favour and mercy from God. ' Now the lafi Claufe and Condition the Prophet puts in, is to do before the 'J)eo·ee come forth. There is a fpace, as Solomon obferves, Ecct. 8. 11. 6etwun fentma or decree, and the exectJtion of it; and that time, is fpace to repent, R~v. 2.2 r. I gave hrr fpace to repmt. Now what, and when God will decree againfi thee, and ferve an Execution upon thee, thou lmowfi not; and thou dofi not know what Decree is bringing forth, as they know not what is in the Womb till it be born, Prov.27,1, Tho" ktwweflttot what a dflJ may brit~gforth, fo as thou neither lmowefi what, nor when an execution may be ferved upon thee, he may ferve an Execution of Death ere to morrow; as upon him, Thoufoot this mght; Death's Serjcants may arrefi thee,and bring thee before the Judge; and th,refore take our Saviour's counfel, given in the lil!e cafe M ,llt.) 25• .Agree w1th th/"' .Adver(ary whil{lthott art i11 the way, leflat mzy tirne he detivn· thee to the _7udge, rmd the Judge to the Officer, aJJd hua(l th'f i11topri(o11. And how near this Serjeant from God is thou knowfi not. .'Janus tells rhee, .'{anus 5·9• Bthotd the Jtdge is at the door,and then his Officer 'Death is not far off~ But