Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

1 6o A SERMON on And Secondly, you are to jeek Righteoufnefs a11d M(fknejs ..~s thereby to condemn.ond be wimdfes againfi the wicked forGod;when J~dgments come and condemn the refi(asNoilh did by fearing God afore hand,Heb.t 1.7.)as alfo to' fave your own Souls; tor as nothmg but an .Ark faved Noah, fo nothing but Righ– teoufnej; can fave you,E-:ek.t4·'4· if Noah,f55c. be faved,'tis l{y tlmr OWJJ R 1gh- . tfottjMjs. . . If you fay you have done it already, that Anfwer will not be tkken for God though he ackno..wledgeth they had wrought hrs Judgment, yet· exlr~rts diem the more unto it againfr fuch a time as this,when to be faved whentheJudgment fhould come would be fo great a mercy, to have their lives for a pray in fuch dear years of life; though God forgat not what th:y had done, ye thtJt have, f55c•. fays he, forget what was pail, and feek after R1ghteoufnefs afrefh, as if you ·had never yet fought any. And to quicken them to it, he tellsthem, [ye jhatt be fi/Jed,] that is when God comes to burn up the •haffe; yet then he will fave his wheat,for he will pre– ferve Seed-corn to iow the World withal after Harvelt, And if it fhould be asked how it is poffible that they fhould be hid whillt the Judgment is in general, confider he hath many Chambers of his providence as ljai. 26. 20. (ome my People ettter illlothy Cbambtrs tmd hideyour (elves tz/J my wrath overflows the Earth; then when others !hall have no where to hid~ their heads, but fhall wilh the Rocks to cover them, ye !hall be hid. Yea, but you will fay, this is but half a promife here, [ .A11dit may h.] But now, I had r~ther have God's, [ lt may be,] then that, [ A11d it jba!J 6e, J from all the Kmgs of the Earth. God loves to fpeal> wah the lealt, and do with the molt, to be better than his word; who is abttndtJnt ill kitJdn.ejs and truth. Now, it is not j>Ut to lh.ewany uncer~ainty, (fee Junitu?n this place,) it is put in cafe ofa certam promtfe, and yet wnhal tofuew fome difficulty m the perlorm– ance of it, as when Peter fays, the Righteotujha/Jfcarcety be Javed. And lafr of all, leil any or h~Saints fhould through difcouragemcnt or other– wife be lla~k, as either to think that for their weaknefs their prayers would do no good, nor prevail with God to remember them in the evil day; or that many particular perfons lhould deem, that there are enou&h befides them to feek God, and they need do the lefs; he thereforebtds them LAP, J [[rekthe Lord all;·e meek. And God bath Chambers enough to hide you alf in, and it mult be your ow11 Righteotunefs mult prevail !or you Ez. 14. '4· and belides he bath need of all your voyces ; as in E1eCtions or great canvafes a voyce calts a matterthis way or that, (o in the great bulinefs of the Church; therefore lfai. J7· Whmthe Chtl· drm are come to the birth, ttndtherewMnoflrmgthtobring forth; Hrzrkiah goes aviftting for t11Jother vo,ru,fends to Ifa the Prophet, as to a Ma11·midwzje, to come and help; but you will fay he was.a Prophet, a greot Saint; know that God often ltands upon a number, Ten in .Sodom, reckoning and counting fmall and great. The number would have calt it, if of perfons righteous, how many Ten Thoufand in Ettglandby proportion to this number for Sodom are there we know not; now Europe is a brittgi~tgforth, and fo the Parliament, andyet they have11o f/rmgth, therefore come all tohelp; it was never known that when all the lower Houfe on Earth did all petition to God but they prevailed; if Two a– greeon Earth fays Chrilt,then much more when .A/J. I will conclude all with that in the J. Chapter of this prophecy, 9· God being determined to pour his anger on all the Earth,as now it may be he hath begun to do;yet he meaning to fparellis own in thofe gcn"al calamities;he fays,that he wilt turn to them ill peace, a11d theyfh~tlalt cat! on him and{erve him with one jhotllder; fofay I, lilt up pray– ers withpure hrmds and lips, and do it .Allof you,and .At/with 011e co~tjtllt, and God will vifit you in mercies when he is in the way of his Judgments, And fo let us do again this day. The