A SERMON on Anfwera~iy, ih the 2)th. of Matt. at the beginning, though they !Jept and were fecure m the ttme when the Bndeg~oom was far off; yet when the cry and noyfe came that be was come, tl~ey tnm d tbetr Lamps that were wife Virgins, and began tofet fire ro them agam: In the 26th. Ifai. v er. g. Whm t hy Judge– ments are m the Earth, t.he l11habttmtts of the WorldWt IJ lear11 R ighteouj nejs ; Now, who are the Inhabitants of the World but the meek? Here in the Text for Matt. 5· !hey are the M_eek to whom t.he promtfe of Inhabiting the Earth i~ made; for wtcke? men thm. own Jllace a Hell, I Acts 2). and if any learn Righteoufnefs tt ts they, and tf at any ume then efpectally; when Judgments arc abroad m the Earth. But to name no more places, to enforce this by Rea– fan. FirO:, ConC.der the chief end which God bath ih threatni·ng and fending pub. lick calamities on the World, is to purify and make his own better and fitter for Heaven;to put them upon feeking him,and feeking Righteoufnefs.As the Winter and Cold-winds are fem for the good of the Corn and Herbs, as well as the Sun– thine days in Summer and Spring. So the Wi~ters of calamity which the Worldj hathfuccellively after days ofpeace and profpenty,are for the bettermg ofhis own People. For the World is theirs, thi11gs pre(mt cmd to come. I Cor. 3.22. Win– ter choaks the Weeds, mellows the heart of the Earth, and fo furthers the root· ing and growth of the Corn. The Winds purifie and fan the Air, and caufe the Flowers to call forth a p\eaftng fme!L So in meafure doth God deal with his, lfai. 27. 8. when firfl; the Seed begms to bud forth ; and though he flays the roughnefs of the Winds and Storms, that might blafi, and kill and deflroy grace in them; in the the fame verfe, yet debate with them he doth in meafure. And hts end is to purify them, By thu /hall the ittiquity of J aco6 /;e pttrged; yea, and this is all his end; this is all the fruit, to take away the fin; and fo in the uth. of 'Dan. 35'· ver. Thofe heavy Storms which there befalls the World, are but to purify and make white the Wife; God's Landreffes,to wafu a– way their filth; and whiten them as men hung out and wetted to be whited by it; and as hefends not the Rain of his word in vain,lfai. 55". it returns not empty but accompli!heth the ends for which he fent it. So nor !hall thefe Storms, but he will have his end in this blefied effeCl: of learning his People Righteoufnefs ere he hath done; they bring forth the quiet fruit of Righteoufnefs in the end in and to them that are exercifed thereby. He/;. 12. II . Now if this then be God's end which he will bring about ere he bath done ; our Duty is to prevent itim in it, and take out this Leffon, and then therefore efpecially to feek him and his Righteoufnefs, and make it our efpecial aim and bufinefs. For otherwife we de– fpife God in hisJudgments threatned, becaufe they lead to this end, and are ap– pointed to it; even as they do that defpife his mercy, Rom. 2. 4· Which leads to Repenta11ce;and fo in !lead of treafuring up mercy againil: that evil day, whereby we might be fpared, we fuall treafure up Wrath. Secondly, Be!ides that it is God's direCl: end and moll principal when he brings them thus to learn them Righteoufnefs, So to avenge their quarrel as well as his own, and the wickeds mifufing of them; yea, and for their fakes he forbears a long while and puts up many wrongs wherein be could have righted himfelf immediately.And this mull needs be a further engagem~nt to his own to learn and feek more Righteoufnefs in,and again!l fuch times; 'Dejlroy it notfor their fakes, lfai. 6).8. he forbears the principal long for them; loofeth much glory he might prefently recover, therefore they bad need pay ufe in the mean time to keep off the fute; to bring in the more Righteoufnefs daily, and then feek and gather up more to pay him when the Bond is like.to be prefently fued ; a Decree coming out with an Execution. And M that he thus forbears is an engagement; fo that his coming to judge at fuch a time is to avenge their caufe, is much more. Now that he cloth fo is evident, 'Deut, rz., 35, 36. compared, where to be revenged on his Enemies, is to judge hjs People; which as in the next words is interpreted, is to judge for them; and for their fakes, He /hall repmt for hH.ServaJ/ts ; and fo 'tis called alfo pleading their caufe, and taking vengeauce for them; Jer. 51.36. Have they notreafon then to takepartwith him, when he comes purpofely to take part with them; to walk in Rightcoufnefs more efpwally then With