Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

with him,wllen he comes to Judge with Righteoufnefs for therri; to light his Bat:· ttls, when he lights theirs; to remember him in their ways, when ''" cometh to make inquif1tion for their blood and wrongs, remembring them; Pfal. g; ~~ . Thirdly, If ir were God's end orily to avenge his own caufe,yet then they are to be called torrh as his wimelfes,and foro jo,yn with him in condemmng the Worldi in time of publick vilitations; there!ore Revel. 1 i. 1, 1.. they are called Waneh jts, that v er. 6. do joyn W1tli God in fmiting the Earth with Plagues ; and asat rhe latter day, the day of the great vilitation they by their works are to glonfy God, and witnefs that the wickeds condemnation is ju!l:, 1 Pet. 1.. 11.. and fci judge the World: So in days of lelfer and more particular vifttations alfo. And fo No.1h by fearing and believing God, and preparing an Ark beforehand, conderrin'd the World, Heb. 11. 7· God mufi have fame to juf\ifie his proceed– ings; now he h•th none but you, lfai. 4s· 12. )''are mywttneffes; now if you fhould be as unjufi and unrighteous as they, as guilty and negligent and fecure as they;and had as little fought God as they,and hisRighteoufnefs,ye were difabled to be witndfes then; with what face could you do it,they might except againfi you, ju(\ly. And how could God take yciur te(\imony if fo obnoxious as they; Tef/t· momumqui dat, babeat, fays the Law. Nay Fourthly, He mull otherwife be forced to cut you offelfe with the wicked; for he cannot fpare you of all others, you having known his natne, Amos. s• 1.., for he though a Father, yet judgethwithout rtjpt{f of .Perfans, I Pet. J.l7. ana if ther(\ were not a great, broad and evident difference between you and others, he would feem to be a partial and indulgent Father, which he forbidding and punifhing fo feverely in others, as old Elt ; will not be guilty of himfelf; yea; and therefore judgment takes hold on his own Houfe, nay it beginsthere; there– fore he is fain to teach his own by ehafiiling them befo'rehand, Pfat. 94- 12, 1j, 14.that when he comes as the J"dge of all the World to execute vengeance,ver.1. 2. of that Pfal. he may then fpare his own, and they reO: in the day oftrouble, ver. q. Thatasthewordsare Godmaygivthim refl i11 tht day of' troublei that is, with Ju!lice and Equity may do it. And the reafon given in the '4· ver. is, becaufe God bath a mind to fparc them and not call: them off; therefore in Wifdom and Mercy he correds them and teacheth them out of the Law, until! the pitt be dig'd for the wicked; as alfo, 1 Cor.11. sz.therefore we are chafiifed, that we fhould not be condemned with the World, but hid and preferved when others· are defiroyed. Fifthly, If he fhould fpare you; yet otherwife you lhould not be fit men to in: tercede forthem; which yet is your duty, and honour, for you are his remem– brancers and watchmen, lfai. 61.. 6. intercelfors, Ifai. 59· 1 s· fuch as God leeks' out and would fain find ere he defiroys. Ezek. 22. utt. Now it is Righteoutnefs extraordinarily fought that only can ingratiate you fo far with him as to give you the lives of others as he did theirs toPaut who were in·the Ship with him'; not ordinary Courtiers, but efpecial Favorites they mull: be who prevail fo far, Men greatly beloved as 'D,miel was; if you deliver the Illarrd it mufi be by the pure– nefs of your hands, Job. 22. ult. Firfi, To feek the Lord, and feeking having reference artd relation to finding, lfJi. 55. 6. thereby mull: be underfiood, the pradice of fuch ads of the Sou·l as whereby God's favour is won and obtained againfi the Evil day; an'd becaufe that,it is made. a dittind thing from feeking Righteoufnefs, &c. . Whereby alfo God s Fayout IS to be attamed; therefore feeking the Lord, I mterpret .to be meant thofe mward immediate ads and difpolitions which are more immediately termmated upon !urn; and whereby we do ingratiate our [elves with him; .and tl·en to feek Righteoufnefs i> to pradice the duties of Repemance and New O oe– clience, whereof Meeknets is a particular branch more ofpecially needful to times of Judgment, . Now thofe ads ofthe m:nd which have God for their immediate obied,requifite at fuch umes, Are; y 2 Firfi,