Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

vfn ExPOSITION ~ of his Name ; which are fevcral Degrees of Popery and Antichriflianilm, P~ wbueof fome are more grols, and Come more refined. All which they in like '- nunncr do by degree,, in their feveral Succeffions, go on to difcover, and to overcome; umil by that time that thefe Vials are all poured out, they have got a full and perfeu Conquefl over all. And therefore in this general Defcription arc let forth as thole that had fuch a full Conquefl; for that (take them firfl: and Jafl:) they fl1all have a perfcu and compleat viuory over all thele. The meaning is not (as Mr. BrigbtnJall underflands it) that this Company had firfl: got a complcat Victory over all thefe, before the Vials began : but this is fpoken of the whole Company and Succd!ion of thtm firfl and lafl conjunuively, the intendment being, to give a general defcription of them, and to let down what they !bould do and accompli(b by that time their whole Time is expired; and to fhew, how by that time they fl1all have poured out their Vials, they fhall obtain the Victory. Thus in like n~atmcr of Speech it is f.•id, verf 1. That in them is filed up (or fulfilled) the Wrath of God; expleta eft ira Dd. Which is ipoken as if it were already accomplifh'd and fitlfilled; but the meaning is, that by that time_they are all emptied, the Wr,tth of God will be rhroughly exercifed and fulhlled through them and by them. And fo doth this here, note out, not a full Victory be~"·e the Vials; but a campleat ,Victory in and through the pounng out of thefc Vtals; and that tillS Company,e re the t1me of the Vials is fully expired, obtains it; For the Vials are themfelves the Means by which rhey do overcome; and for each degree of which Viuory, they fing a trium– phant Song. 4· Thefe ftng the Song of Mofes. For the former of the Vials are allufions to the Plagues of Egypt i and by that time that the fifth Vial comes, they will have drowned the Eg)ptwu in the Red Sea, and fo will fing that Song, Exod. I 5· And after that, they will fing the Song of the Lamb, even his Marriage Song; as in the 19th Chapte.-, (which comes in after the Funeral Song of the City of Rome, orthe fifth Vial in chap. 18.) verf 6, and 7· Let "'be glad and rejorce, for the l'<I.trriage of the Lamb ts come; that is, is approaching. Or this Song may refer to the Dourine of the Gofpel, which now began to be taught among them more clearly : For Mofes his Song, De11t. 3 2. was Doctrinal ; and (o in the Old Tefiament it was ordinary to utter Matters of Dourine in Songs. And thus in this Book the Doctrine of the Church is !\ill exprcf!ed, and is called a Song. And fo whereas, durmg the dark Ttmes of Popery, they fung (as it were) a"New Song, differing from Popifh Doctrine; yet (o confufedly, that none could learn it, as· Chttp. I 4- 3· Now they have the Evcrlafling Gaffe! to preach, as C/Jap.r4.6. and they ling Mofes his Song, and the Lamb's, di[bnClly ; they preach the Law and the Go– fpcl clearly and rightly, and make manifcfi his lflt.«Jcl[.«<w, which we tranflate [judgments J but fignifies his ]ujlific•tions (as Ran,, 8. 4·) of poor Sinners made manijrjl, as verJ4· The Dourine of Juflification by Chrifl: being emi– nently revealed and made known in the Time of rbefc Vials, and the Works of Redemption mofl clearly manifefled. And moreover thele do alia let up Chrifl, both in himfelf, and in his Relations to his Church, as calling him : I. Tbe Lord Almighty. 2. Krng of Saints. 3· The only Holy One. And fo, 1. As the only Ruler and Lord of his Church. 2. And King.that mull give Laws unto it. 3· As the Fountain of all Grace and Holinefs. (In