Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

T H E CONTENTS To the Enfuing TREATISE. OF theGod-head, and the three Perfons within it felf. That there is but one God. That in the Divine Nature, or one God-head, there are three Perfons convcrfing with, [peaking to, and glorifying one another. Which Union and Communion of the Three Perfonsbetween themfelv:es, is pecu– liar to the Deity, and incommunicable to any mere Creature. Chap. I. Cod is one in EJ{ence., . Pag.. I Chap. 2. That this Cod one in E([ence., :u three m Perfons, who jointly co-operate in aft God's E:t:ter– ?Ml VVork.! 3 Chap. 3· Th~t thefe three Per-fans in the Godhead,are P~rfons di{linrt one ftom the other, I I Chap. + That the three_ Perfons in the Godhead,h:roe anVnion and Communion between themfelves apart, and incommunicable Hnto tu, I 3 Chap. 5· Of gi,ing Glory to Cod. That it i; a Du'J incumbent upon tM, prO'lJ'd by numerot!J Inftances m Script11re. Th.?t we me to glwifJ Cod, not only nor ciJiefty for thebenefit he btj/oWJ on m,butf or the glo– r_yofhis Namr., and the e)l:cellence and blejfednefs of his N at11re. Some Reafons given, that Grace in us may be raifod to thi~ high jtrain, 22 Chap. 6. A more pun&ual Explication, what it U to giw glory to God, inHimfelf or .Work!; Jet out by a Comparative rvith all the other ways of glorifying God, whtch it far exceeds, 32 Chap.7. The Clorj ofCodwhich appears in hiJ King– dom, andVniverfal Dominion,whcreby he rulu over ,•11; a& it u tkfcribed i• PC89from v.6,to I 5· 41 BOOK If. OF the Son of God, the Second Perfon in the Trinity. What his Pcr[on is,confidered in himfelf. He is the Eternal Son of the Father, one God in Eflencc with him. The Son, the Se– cond Perfon took the Man Jefus into perfonal Union with himfelf; and fo Chrift is God-Man jOined into one Perfon. Chap. 1. H(JW greatly it imports us to have a tme Knowledg of the Perfon ofChrijf. What hU Perfon i~. That he e.t·ifted from aft Eternity wirh God M a Per( on.; and TPM not merely a Manifejlation of the Detty m Tone., and then only E«ijltnt when he firjl appeared in the World, · pag. 49 Chap. 2. Who thi. Perfon WM that Exifled from Eter– nity. The two Titles which are given to him,'M E."f:i– jlingbeforethe Worldw.u. 1. That he isrheWord. 2. The Son ofGod..HU firft Title, the Word, im~ ports two things; Hu being.Eternally begotten of the Father, M thclmageofhuEJfenrialG'lory: A11d that he i~ .;ivm to m by Cod M his Word, whereby he manifeJrs hunftlf, 59 Chap. 3· That he WM the So~ of Cod, wlio c.,·i(lcJ throughout all Ages,and from Eternity. ThU prov 1 d by all rhife Jnftmtces ofScripturrs., wlm·ein his EttT– ruJl E:djfence is ajfoned, andTTJherein the Title of Son of God is alfo afcribcd to Him, 6-+ Chap. 4o What P..tnd of Son he is to Cod, or in what flnfc he Mthe Son of God. He is the prqper Son of G'od in a fptcial peculiar manner., fuch m rro otlm· Pcrfon can be [aid to be, He is /filed the only be~ gorrcn Son of God, which C4n beaffirmed ofnoCru~ ture. This unports rh.-rt hrs Eternal Gene-tttfion is the Foundation of his Sonjhip. He is cafled the Sot~ of the Living God; that he is begotten of him in his oWn liksncjf: and is of the fame N ature and Sub.ftance with him. That he is G1d by an Idcntir.y_ of one, and the fame Ej[ence of the Godhead 1 ,and not by Vm'on only, or Office, 69 Chap.5. That rhc fccond Pcrfon of the Trinity af!umed hwnane Namre into perfonal Vnion 1vith himfe!f, andfois Cod-Man in one Per[o11 for e1m·, 81 BOOK Ill. OF the Glories and Royalties that belong tlnto Jcfus Chrifr, conr.dered as God-Man in one Perfon; (befides what accrued to him from his performance ofthe Work ofour Redcltlption:) and which were appointed for him by his Fa– ther from all Eternity. The apparent Manifc– ftation of the Divine Attributes in the Perfon of Jclits Cl1rifr God-Man, The Defignation of him in God's firfr Oecrees,as the End for whom ~ all the Creatures were made. ;The part that he ~re as God-Man in the Creation., as by him all things were created. The Appointment of him by God, to be one Lord over all, under him one God: and to be in a more fpccial rcfpeet the Head of the EleCt, on whom they were to hold the Tenure of all the BJcDin?;s befrowed on them, above the Dues of Creation. Chap. 1. A Prefacegivifl$ afoort ShCJ!Je or Draught of theenfuing Dijconrje. An E>:pofition of Col. 1. from ver.t 5to I9.all that is fpok!,n there ofCirri.ft, mnft be afcribed to him tu God-Man, pag.95 Chap. 2. The perfonal native Glories .wd Royalti"ts which belong to the Son of Cod, tU d1velling in owr Nature. How the Divine Aurib~rtes arc Inhermr, l'tnd Jhine forth in rhat Jf1"an'JefU6 fo Jmited to the Sono[God. in tvbat {enfohe isrhe Image oftl;c lnvifible God. 1-lorv he is rhe 1-fli[dom, and the Power of Cod. !-lis humane Natttre does not poffijt rho[e PerfeUiom in that high degrec,Mthcy are Ar– t·ributeJ in the Divine N.1wre, and fo !tifinirc:, hut he bath them in a nearer refembltmce, thananymere Creature is capnble of In what ,·ejfeHs he alfo ha.s Imiepmdmcy ,mdSovereigmy. It is upon the Vnion of theh1mume Nature with the Son of God, rhnt it is inwjled with his high Priviledg 1 103 Chap.