Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The C o N TE N T s. Chap. 3· T he Ho1101tr aud Royalties that appertain mmt of rhis De(ign will brin.$ to him[elf, and to. his unroChrzft God-Man, tU ord!Jinedfitch in G(ld'sJi:rfl Father, when the Vnion and G'lwy of rhe SamlJ 1 Decrees, to be the final Caufe or End of t/,e whole [lMfl thereby be pcrfeiled at the lajf Day of rhe CretJtion and~Vark!ofGod. /nwhttt fcnfeheisthe ~Vorld, 138 Fi.rft-bomof e1.1cry Crcaw~e. 1'he Reafom wh)'it Chap. 7. That God confl'~wretl. from Eternity ']rjiu 'is nqt to be undtrjtood in rtJPeU of his Eternnl GeneChrijl G'od-Man, to be one univcrfal Lord, under 'ration a,; Son of God. It ,:s jpok§n of him in conjihimfl!f, 01Jtr all the Creatltres he mtendcd to ,;ta'k§, deration ofa JJigniry or Birth-ri(ht,which rhc Man 154 ']efiu Chnft, united with the /econd Perfon in the Chap.8. That the Title of Lord, though it imports him Trinity, htU above all other Creatures. He is althat· is God, and cotmorates with. it, hisbemg God; fo the Firft-bom, in that he was firft in order in~ yet in this Corinthian Text., (and elflwhere) doth tc'mkd in the Eten~al P~trpofu of God. He is the primarily note, a Rclation to an Office or a final Caufe or End for whtch all things were creaDignity pnt on him by the Father., as confitl.ered ted.And upon the prefuppojition of his bein$ dureed to be God-Man; and nor ftmply, his being Second ro be G'od-Man it belongedto him, as hu due, to Perfon,God with God only~ The Apoftle's inttnr be the univer[al End for whom all things pJoHld be here is, to fer him forth in rhe dependence, that all made ·: This 1vaJ an high Prerogative cf which no things, &c. have of him nsJitch, and not ~tpon him mere Creature co11ld be capable., llil9 as Second i'erfon, fimp!y conjidered, it is a Title of Chap. 4· That by this defigned Vnion of the Son of Officewhich he bears afore God, conftdtred as GodGodto this Individual Creature the Man ']efiu,and Man. The Fitncfs, Ftdnefl, and Sufficiency ofthis 'in rhe Perfon of this his Son fo conJidfYed,God hath Per[on, Chrift, God-Man, to difcharge this Office of anddtJth mak§ the higheft mrmifejfation ofhis Glory, one Lord. For what Reafons it was neccj}ary, that and communication Of htmfolf,Ji:ch M by no created he j1Jo1dd be God-Mm1 in one Per[on, to qualtfy him J..Vays or Means clfe co~t!d have been attained, I 17 for the Employment-, 158 Ghap. )· The Glory whi<J; Chrijl, as G!Jd-Man, had Chap.9. That all things do depend upon Chrifl a.r one ajfignedhim, before the VVorldwas, in his Election Lord, a.s God-Man, as well as upon the Father, as by the Father; manifefted in An ExplicAtion of one 6'od. God's Eternal Purpofls concerning the John r 7· 5· VVhether that E.'l:prejfion, Glorifyme whole Creation were made in Chrift, as God-Man. now with the C:Hory which I had with thee beBy him God inade the World. The more peculiar for the World was, be JPok,sft of Chrift, as SeDependartce which the EleU have on Chrift, Godt:ond Per[dn tn the 1hmty,lls God., or as God-Man., Man., as their Head. They hold of him the Tenure appomud m God's Eternal Decree. In what proper of a SpiritiMl Beif!t, abO'lJe what they had by Creaj enfe thu mtght be faul by the Man-1efiu, Glonfy tion, and of all jltptrnatural BleJJings and Benenowme, &c. Horv, as God-Man, he can be fmd firs, 165 toha11e had this Glory wit!? the Farher., before the I HowallthingsdependonChrift.,God-Man; J<Vorldwas ; when., as jitch, he did nit then E:t:ijf. and 1Phttt injl11ence he hath imo them ; firtther proWhat GloYy it i-J that is liere intended., it is a Glory ved and illu.ftrated,by that Te:~:t inCol. 1. t6. Some duerohi.r Perfon. God..Man dijfinftjtom, andSnCaiJtions premifed for the underftanding it aright. perior to what fo7lowed., 1~pon his performance of the What is meant by thofe E:!Cprrf!ions, ln Him and by Work..; of o~er Redemption, r23 Him are all1hings, 173 Chap.6. The Expojirion offome other pa!fa$es in ]oh. Chap. t t. That Chrift M God-Man is the Creator of 1 7· That God having firft predeftinated Chrift to all things, prO'Ved by Script~tres. The firft Proof out be God-Man, thiS mO'Uedhim to elert U6 ttJ compleat of the former Text reaj[mned. 1 Cvr. 8. 6. By his Glory. The firft Motive was, That as he was to whoril arc all tl1ings. Some further E.\·planariort be an Head, there might not be wantit~g to him a how thir i.f attributed to him m God-Man, z'n AnperfeU Body to parti~ipate with him in the etdoyment Jivers tO fome 92,furies concerning it., 1 So of his Blef{ednefs. Ho1v the JV!arriage of Adam ~-n Chap. I 2. That Chrijf, M God~Man, i.s the Creator Paradifc, was a Type ofthe Relation between Chrift of all things, proircd ftom JOhn t. t, 2, 3· WheAndthe Elefl his Spo1lje, defignedbifore the confidether, 0A.Oyt!?f, the WORD, import not-M the Seration of the Fall. The fecond Motive Wai, That a CtmdPnfon, exifting M Godwith God, in the Beo. Glory addit~onaf to Chrift's perfonal G_lory? might gin~i~g, fo withal connotating that Per[on, as futtccrJte to hmz as G~d-Man, from the:r bemg Eleftammg, before God? the Perjonage of G'od-M11 n,by Eled. The th~rdMot!ve was d:awn from the lntere.ft wh~m M fitch all thmgs were created. An fnterpre~ and Part JPhtch Chrift predejfmated God-Man had, tat:on of Prov. 8. fromverf. 22 to 3 I. with a Fatogether with his Father, in eleUing rhem,Joh.J?.I. rallel between that Scripture, and thi.s of John I. 1 And the Glory which thou gavel! me,! have gi2, 3· A brief Expojition of the firjl Chapter of ven them, that they may be One, even as we John, continued unto rbe 14thY er [e., 1 84 are One. The meaning of the Words explained, by Chap. 13· How Chrift, God-Man, i.s fnbfervient to Anjwers to fome !?<!.~erie!· ~Vhat that Glory is which God in all the Work! ofhU Providence. He upholds the!'ather !Jadgiven to Chrifr. ~hat that .Glory is and [~tpporu a.ll t~in$s· H~gO'Vcrns the World, and roh1ch Chn{f thereupon af{zgns m hu own Gift to m. rzdes all .Afla~rs m tt. After his GO'Vernment u l'Vhenwas the Time ofgiving this Glory to him and e~·pir'd, at the end of the World he will judt! all to m. The fourth Motive is, what Chrift reprefenrs Creatures, both .Angels and Mm, 0 197 to his Father, viz. the Glory which the accomplijh~ Of