Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Knowledg of GOD the Father, And his Son J E S U S C 1-:I R I S T. B 0 0 K. I. Of the God- head, and the three Perfons within it fel£ That there is but one God. That in the Divine Natu-re, or one God-head, there are three Perfons converfing with. fpeaking too, and glori– fying one another. WhJCh Union and Commu– nion, of the Three Perfons between themfelves, is peculiar to the Deity, and incommunicable to any meer Creature. ' 1 Cor. 8. 6. 'Bttt to U5 there is bm o11e God,tl>e Fatber,ofwhom are ali tl>ings, and tve in him ; a11d one LordJefiM Cbrifl, by whom are all tbiugs, allCI we by him. C H A P. I. That God is one in EJJence. _ _,__ Hat God is but one, you have this declared concerning him by Mofes, DCIII. 6. 4- The Lord 01srGod is one Lord. Alfo byGod's own immediate Tellimony you have the fame Truth pronoun– ced, Deut. 32. 39· See now that I, even I""' He, a11d there is no God with me. To which you may add, !Ct. 44- 8. Is there . a God biftdes me? 1/znow not any. He puts thJt !all: Claufe, as the clearefl: Evtdence, and the moll: ultimate Demonfl:ration ofthe Truth ofthis that God himfelfthe true God, and the God of Truth could give us. It is Pa: B rallcl i