Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

4 Of the l(nowledg of (jod tbe Father, ~could be done for him, was to be one in Perfon with him, who is God. This Bo ° K I. he might be, but to turn his Human Nature into the Divine Being, was inoem– ~ patible with it. A lower Degree ofaccurfed Pridethan this, fell into the Heart of the Devil himfclf, whole Sin in his firlt apoflanfing from God, take the hetghth of 1~ then, is conceived t~ be bnt a fiomaching that Man !hould be one day advanced Unto the hypoflatical Union, and beoneinPerfonwith the.Sonof God, which his Proud Angelica! Nature (then m actual. Extflence the htghefi ofC~eatures) could not brool<. But the Devil was model! m companion to thefe Mens Pnde, whtch ulurps upon the whole of the three Perfons at once; and will not endure them Compeers with themfelves. And truly thefe could have no better way whereby to flep into thefeThrones, in theirJ'!'aginations,than to depo(e out;.blelfed Three, by letting up a Religton, and Opmton, whereby Mdhons of Perfons mfiead of thole Three blefTed Ones,!hould communicate ofthe God-head, in thefame man– ner as thele blcfTed Perfons do. This caufed me to review the Scriptures afre!h for the difquifition ofthis great Truth. My Method in difpatching this great Point mull: be brief,and contraCled. And therefore, tho the Scriptures afford plenty ofevidence every where, yet I wa.s f.1tisfied with one full Paffage of Scripture, which I met with at firfl: in the very entrance ofmy dilquifition about the Trinity ofthe Perfons in the one God-head, and which is nfually cited out of.:Mofei for it, in feveral Paffages of his in that one Book of Gcnejii, And I confidered with my felf, that as he was the firft Pen·man ofany Sctipture, fo he mull: needs have laid the Foundation (tho more darkly and obfcnrely) offl1ch Gofpel-Truths, as this ofthe Perfons mufi be Cup– paled tO be, ifit proved to be a Truth at all; and I finding that Chrifl: in his Concertations with the -carnal Jew, profefTeth in preaching the Gofpel, which feem'd new to them, to witnefs and preach none other things, than thole, which Mofei particularly, and the Prophets did fay: And the Doctrine of the Gofpel bringing forth this great Truth to Light more clearly, and fo pofitively, and de– terminately, I judged that this great Truth, (ifa Truth at all) mull: be extant in Mojii; a~d f!p~<J !lav\9,g.appealed unto .:Mojii to give Eviqence, unto Mofes I_did go. · · .. , . And in the beginning ofhis firfl: Chapter, I was accofl:ed with'liis Narrative of the Cre~ti'on, as it is in .the firfl:·DaJ:s:<york (et out, vcr. 1, 2,3. And afi:er that, more par,ticularly, witQ that renowned Confultation which God had ·about the making of Man, at\d hi~ Speech uttered concerning it; Let 1ff maf<! Mm (the . fummary of all things that he had made) in om· image, according to our'Lif<!neji, p~:;,;":1;;~ •· ver. 24. ofth~t Chapter; in which .:Mojii bringeth God in, fpeaking in the Lan– Homo P~' m.•- guage ofan [Vi] Let Vs 1Jtak._e M•n. Which [Vi] imports a plurality ofPerfons ~n";"'~~;f,P~f; tO have been ~<Vith God when he created Man.. And we h~ve the. fame [V~J <fi,p<0 Filiom, \~tee ufed by Mofei, when m llke manner he brmgeth God m fpeaktng of,and to ~:m~~:~~ui~ httnfelf, Gen.3.22. The ;}[anisbecomemoncofV;. And then Chap.11.ver.7. at bm ,d,m J;. the Confufion oflanguages, L et Vi go down. And at the overthrow ofSodom hit, _F~tc~<tmm 'tis faid in Gen. 19. 24. That the Lord rained Fire from the Lord out ofHeaven. ' 'mm<m. And tho I find Come ofour DiYines fomewhat difficult to admit thole Arguments, drawn from all the ProofS out of the firfl: Chapter ofGenejis, and are ex– ceptions here and there againfl: Come of them; yet finding in a fearch and fiudy of other Scriptures, ;which be alledged for the confirmation ofthe whole point it fclf, that fo many of thole Scriptures ufuall y brought for it out of the Prophets, and the New Tefl:ament, do flow into this Current ofMojii, and fpeak the fame Things, and well nigh in the fame Phrafes, that .:Mofei bath ufed, and all unto thts one purpofe and intent, that there are fuch blefTed Perfons in the God·head, God with God ; I thereupon refolved to content my (elf with tbofe few Allega– tiOnsout ofMofei alone. And findmg them fo fl:rangely and flrongly back'd by thole other Scriptures, that came in with their Suffrages unto thefe of Mojii; I then let up my reO: in thefe Citations out of him, to make them the Rendezvous and Center ofthole other Scripture-ProofS, which of themfelves, rho fl:anding fevered and fingle, might each be a fufficient Argument alone by themfelves~ yet marclung